
Nietzsche Slave Morality Essay

Decent Essays

For Nietzsche, there are essentially two aspects of morality: master morality, which is the one he prefers and the other one is slave morality, which in Nietzsche’s opinion, has been mainly utilized by the Christianity to subjugate the masses. In the genealogy of morals, he indicated that master morality is considered to be from the noble class since the masters are able to create their own set of values due to the fact that they have strong will to power to transcend the limitations and they merely possess the values of good and bad instead of good and evil since they are capable of accepting themselves completely while respecting what’s different and the only reason of acquiring a notion of what’s bad or common is for the purpose of affirming …show more content…

However, the slave morality is built on the hatred of those weak-willed and has been taken advantage by them or Christianity to expel and eliminate what’s different from them, for instance, the masters; moreover, the values of their moral system help them to distinguish good from evil due to that fact that they cannot have open-mindedness for something foreign and the priests also want to use the word “evil” to annihilate their enemies who are life-affirming for the purpose of solidifying their own power. In order for us to have a better understanding of how decadent the values of slave morality are, Nietzsche provided more evidence in Antichrist and thus spoke Zarathustra. In Antichrist, Nietzsche demonstrates that Christianity is a life-denying religion since it requires us to renounce our body and innate instincts for the sake of pursuing an afterlife in the illusory ‘true world’; furthermore, the values of Christianity favor the weak and can easily result in the loss of vigor of life in human

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