
Nicolaus Copernicus Accomplishments

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“So far as hypotheses are concerned, let no one expect anything certain from astronomy, which cannot furnish it, lest he accept as the truth ideas conceived for another purpose, and depart from this study a greater fool than when he entered it.” this quote is from Nicolaus Copernicus, the famous astronomer who discovered something remarkable. Copernicus was a part of the German heritage, but at the time, the city of Torun where he was born was a part of Poland so some believed he spoke some Polish as well. The remarkable discovery in which he found, was the heliocentric universe, meaning the Sun was the center of the universe not the Earth. Without him creating this theory and then later on proving it, even though the Catholic Church did …show more content…

Another important factor that comes into play is the studies of further scientists, such as Galileo Galilei, he was inspired by Copernicus and then fully proved his theory with even more information and evidence, but once again the Catholic Church did not allow him to publish his work, even though he was right, so he was under house arrest for the rest of his life. Copernicus played another huge roll by some of his other theories such as, “passages in the Bible imply that the earth does not move, the apparent annual cycle of movements of the sun is caused by the earth orbiting it.” which completely contradicts the Bible, he was right though with each and every theory, however none of them could be published until later on because all of his theories went completely against the Bible, the Church at this time would never allow someone to publish work with clear and hard evidence against them. Now yes humans probably would have discovered the heliocentric universe, but the amount of time that would have taken would have been way longer, and somewhat harder if other early scientists never discovered it. Without him creating this theory and then having his publications help inspire others to study astronomy and prove the theory even more, humans would not have been able to find the right pathways to shoot probes and other space shuttles to different planets to study them, especially sending people to the moon would have been extremely dangerous if Copernicus never actually found the right solar system, the rocket might have been going the complete opposite of where the moon actually

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