
Nickel And Dimed Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Miranda Castrellon AP English Language and Composition November 25, 2014 Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America Barbara Ehrenreich’s novel Nickel and Dimed is the story of an experiment she conducted to research how non- skilled workers made ends meet with their low end jobs. When beginning her experiment, she decides to bring along about $1,300, her credit card only to be used for emergencies and hew own car. She as well decides she will spend one month in three different cities, that being Key West, Florida, Portland, Maine and Minneapolis, Minnesota. The experiment begins in Key West, Florida. As she arrives she fears being recognized as she and her husband visit Key West occasionally but she is not. Her first priority in Florida is …show more content…

Throughout the novel, Ehrenreich has a very reflective tone as she discusses the difficult tasks of the jobs she takes on. At the beginning of the novel, Ehrenreich believes that managing a lifestyle on low wage job was possible but quickly came to the realization that to make ends meet one must work multiple jobs. She as well believes that she may be too overqualified for these jobs but as well comes to the realization she is under-qualified as not only do these jobs prove to be physically but mentally tiring. Ehrenreich appeals to emotion to create sympathy for low-wage workers. An example of appeal to emotion would be where Marge states that the owners of homes they clean believe “They thinks we’re stupid”(100) and “ We’re nothing to these people”(100). Rhetorical questions were as well used in the text to create emphasis on the issue. An example of a rhetorical question would be where Ehrenreich’s co-worker from the nursing home, where he questions “what does she think this is, a god damn hospital?” (64) and this emphasis his disapproval of Linda’s harsh words over a simple

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