
Nick Carraway In The Great Gatsby

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The central theme of The Great Gatsby is the withering of the American Dream. Nick Carraway moves to West Egg, Long Island New York to experience the American dream. Throughout his expedition he meets Jay Gatsby, a man who has an obsessive desire for Daisy Buchanan’s love. In the end of all the drama that took place in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s book Jay Gatsby goes down a path he can never return from and ends up being the cause of his own death. Gatsby shows that he is, blind, irrational, and to obsessed to even think of the consequences his actions would lead him to. Which lead to Nick Carraway being left with only a memory of what it was like to live the American Dream.
Furthermore, into the story line of The Great Gatsby, Gatsby provides an immense amount of evidence that proves that Gatsby was blinded for wanting Daisy’s affection. For …show more content…

His exact words to Nick were, “Well I tried to swing the wheel— “He broke off, and, suddenly I guessed at the truth. “Was Daisy driving?” “Yes,” he said after a moment, “but of course I’ll say I was…” (p. 154) Gatsby’s tragic flaw lies within his inability to see that the real and the ideal cannot coexist. Daisy is his ideal, he sees her as the perfect and worthy of all his affection. Even though Daisy has just been using him this entire time to escape her betrothed. Gatsby’s irrational decisions came to him after Daisy claimed that she loved both Tom and Gatsby. She states, “Oh, you want too much!” she cried to Gatsby. “I love you now – isn’t that enough? I can’t help what’s past.” She began to sob helplessly. “I did love him once – but I loved you too.” Gatsby’s eyes opened and closed.” (264-266) When Daisy claims that she loves them both it seemed to have made Gatsby more upset than the fact that Daisy was actually married to someone else. By this statement Gatsby began to do whatever he could to have his ideal American dream

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