
New Revelation Of The Americas Before Columbus Chapter Summary

Decent Essays

In the book 1491 “New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus” by American author and science writer Charles C. Mann about the pre-Columbian Americas. Consists of a groundbreaking study that radically alters our understanding of the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans in 1492. The book presents recent research findings in different fields that suggest human populations in the Western Hemisphere were more numerous, had arrived earlier, were more sophisticated culturally, and controlled and shaped the natural landscape to a greater extent than scholars had previously thought. The book itself is a very readable account of the history of the American people before the lands were 'discovered' by Europeans in 1492 and gives a lot to think about as you are reading it. In the book Mann reveals how a new generation of researchers equipped with novel scientific techniques came up with new unheard set of conclusions never heard before. The book does a great job explaining everything with great details but it also raises many questions.
What he is most interested in showing us the readers and what I believe his thesis is in how American Indians like all other humans’ beings- were intensely involved in shaping the world they lived in. Mann's purpose with this book is to discuss three commonly held ideas about the Americas before Columbus: One is that the population of Indians was larger than what it was earlier believed and how also the continent was populated before and

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