
New Public Management Model For The Nonprofit Agency, Hands Across The World Essay

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New Public Management and the Role of Nonprofit Organizations: Cultivating the Public Sector
The purpose of this paper is to apply the new public management model to the nonprofit agency, Hands Across the World. First, an overview of the new public management model is provided. Second, a brief description of the nonprofit organization, Hands Across the World is provided. Third, the new public management model is applied to Hands Across the World.
New Public Management Today the new public management (NPM) model is the leading worldview in the public sector. The political climate and ideology during the 1970s and 1980s served as an impetus to migrate away from the old public administration approach and implement new policies and procedures that would be of better service to the public interest and collective good as well as restore trust and value in the bureaucratic process. Thus, during the mid-1990s, the new public management worldview was realized to apply common practices used in the private sector to the public sector. The goal of this approach was to achieve the same level of efficiency found in the private sector and remove some of the redundancy, lack of transparency, and lack of accountability in bureaucratic government to better serve the public interest. David Osborne and Ted Gaebler’s Reinventing Government (1992) served as a catalytic novel in the progression of implementing private practices in the public sector. Under the NPM framework public administrators

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