
New Jim Crow Laws Essay

Decent Essays

As of 2010, thirteen and a half percent (13 ½%) of all African-Americans comprise the U.S. population. Look back one hundred to two hundred (100-200) years ago, the African-American population has gone through strife. The real question is still pending, is it much easier for African-American during the pre-Civil Rights Movement Era that now? My opinion is that it is better. The reason why I coined my opinion is to show that there have been stops in racial caste, media creating propaganda, and blacks advancing in parts of the world. By producing these parts, I will introduce the idea that the African-American life has evolved for the better. In the article of the New Jim Crow Laws paragraph one (1), evidence to prove this is “...Obama’s election has been touted as the final nail in the coffin of Jim Crow, the bookend placed on the history of racial caste in America…” This previous quote means defines that our forty-fourth (44th) president - Barack Obama - has put a stop to all the inferior notions and racial discrimination that blacks were receiving over the years. An example to support the fact is current politics. People never understood the fact of an …show more content…

In the same article paragraph six (6), evidence to support the media’s aid is “...The goal was to make inner-city crack abuse and violence a media sensation, bolstering public support for the drug war which…” This means the media wanted the public support in order to make drug abuse a thing of the past. An example of this is that ABC News created a segment about teens and them over using drugs. They wanted to show teens how using drugs and even abusing them. They believe that music is the cause. They continued the segment to say that it might have something to do with the parents. And of course, numbers in the masses

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