
New Deal Dbq

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The New Deal was both a success and a failure. It was a success in the way that the programs brought hope to Americans as well as relief in these difficult times, but it was a failure in the fact these programs didn't fully bring relief to America and how these programs discriminated against groups such as African Americans. Roosevelt's New Deal plans provided much relief through hope given by programs like the AAA, FHA and many others. "Just knowin' that for once there was a man to stand up and speak for him, a man that could make what he felt so plain nobody could doubt he meant it, has made us feel a lot better even when there wasn't much to eat in our homes." An excerpt from document C which shows the ways these plans and ideas from Roosevelt gave the average man hope for the coming future, even when they were at a very low point for the country. …show more content…

For example, this quote from source D shows the extent of help for children and how much relief was provided to families by the WPA. "In the past year and a half 80,000,000 hot, well-balanced meals have been served... warm, nourishing food, prepared by qualified, needy women workers, the WPA is making it possible for many underprivileged children of the present to grow into useful, healthy citizens of the future." And secondly, in Source E, it shows how at the height of the Great Depression 22.5 percent of the American labor force was unemployed, but by the end over 70 percent of the unemployed were back to work. But just because the New Deal brought lots of good doesn't mean it wasn't bad either. Many African Americans faced discrimination from the new deal programs. "NRA, for example, not only offered White Americans the first crack at jobs, but authorized separate and lower pay scales for African

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