
New Deal Dbq

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FDR’s new deal was a complete disaster for the american citizens and the economy. The new deal did not do enough to protect citizens or the nation's future. It provided Americans a false sense of hope with short term relief that did not anticipate the future. With a struggling economy and a nation starving FDR’s new deal fails to meet the needs of the American people in the 1930’s. The new deal was extremely expensive to the American economy. the economy already in ruins from the crash of the stock market FDR decided to use even more money to try to pull the nation out of the great depression. With all of his actions he managed to double the nation's debt according to “” it stated,”FDR almost doubled the national debt due to it, increasing it from $22,539,000,000 before 1933, to $44,458,000,000 at 1940”. Every action FDR took to combat the Great Depression only backfired on the economy. The whole only got deeper for future generations. FDR’s new deal only dug the nation's economy deeper into a hole of debt. …show more content…

The federal government was in charge of the SSA and the FRA which led people to turn to the government for a source of income. According Leon Brindley in “Advantages and Disadvantages of FDR’s New Deal” he states ,“. The government had too much power, which is exactly what communism involved.” Due to the new deal the american way is lost and a form of communism is was spreading throughout the United states. Americans also no way to combat this it was the only means of survival economically. The power given to the federal government by the new deal was a form of communism that Americans couldn't

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