
New Deal DBQ Essay

Decent Essays

After the stock market crash, known as Black Tuesday, in 1929, people panicked. As too much money was withdrawn from banks and they closed, people lost all their money. America, which was just in the “Roaring Twenties”, fell into the Great Depression. Suddenly, people were laid off their jobs, couldn’t buy things they had once not thought twice about, and struggled to afford food for their families. People lost their homes, and teenagers lived on the streets. Farmers were in debt, losing their farms, and had to deal with the Dust Bowl. The president at the time, Herbert Hoover, decided that the country would pull out of the Depression on their own. Since the citizens of America didn’t like that, on Election Day of 1933, Hoover wasn’t re-elected. …show more content…

FDR knew that he had to deal with unemployment in New Deal, and he enacted the Works Progress Administration, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, the Social Security Act, and the Civilian Conservation Corporation. The Works Progress Administration’s (WPA) goal was to provide jobs for the unemployed, building hospitals, schools, parks, playgrounds, airports, and post offices. The WPA also gave jobs to actors, writers, artists and teachers. For example, artists could paint murals on public buildings. Overall, the WPA managed to build 120,000 public buildings, and paint ½ a million miles of road(Source …show more content…

For example, unemployment was a major issue in America during the Great Depression and one of the main causes. FDR’s New Deal fixed that issue with programs such as the Works Progress Administration and the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, and the Social Security Act. Citizens that were unemployed or retired received funds to buy products, which caused businesses to grow and hire more workers. The New Deal also opened more jobs up. The New Deal also allowed farmers to gain wealth with the Rural Electrification Administration, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and the Soil Conservation Act. Farmers could now buy products that they couldn’t afford before and hire more farmhands, which opened up more jobs and helped solve the issue of

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