
Nevada Drought

Decent Essays

The one state that has experienced severe drought affects has been Nevada. Even though most of Nevada has experienced drought affects, Western Nevada has experienced the worst affects of the drought. In the following graph provided by the U.S. Drought Monitor, researched and made by Rippey (2015), it shows the severe and extreme levels of the drought: The dark red area represents exceptional drought, light red extreme drought, dark yellow severe drought, tan moderate drought, and light yellow abnormal drought. As you can see, the worst part of the drought is shown in most of the western part of Nevada; however, this does not mean that the rest of the state has not been affected. Western Nevada borders eastern California, which is one of …show more content…

Now Arizona is not the typical state that has a lot of precipitation and rain yearly, but it depends off other reservoirs, lakes, and rivers located in other states to for their water supply. After searching and conducting research, it was found that the main impact Arizona is suffering from the drought is decreasing water levels is from Lake Mead (located in Nevada), and the Colorado River, which flows North to South through several U.S. states. Research and data found shows that the Bureau of Reclamation releases water into the Colorado River below Lake Mead to meet water demands of downstream users in Arizona and California, and also to satisfy treaty obligations to the Republic of Mexico. Findings by the Bureau of Reclamation show that Lake Mead water level’s peaked at 1,214.26 in January of 2000. Almost a decade and a half later, recorded in January 2014, the water levels of Lake Mead are now 1,108.75 (Smith, 2014). This findings show that Arizona is continually getting a decline in water from Lake Mead every month that passes, affects thousands of residents living in Arizona, which already lacks water to begin with. If this continues, this can cause many civilians to both stand by and bare the drought as long as they can, or decide to move out of Arizona to states with a better water supply, so they won’t be burdened with the continual burden of having to ration and conserve water. The state has

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