We regret to inform you that your employment with Metropolitan Neurosurgery is terminated effective upon receipt of this memo for the following reasons during your probation period: • Slow response to answering the phone, several missed phone calls including comments of not wanting to answer the phones • Very flustered at the front desk especially when dealing with patients and the physicians • Not being able to multitask at the front desk • The position is not the fit for you as well as the company
Although Riverview Regional Medical Center faces numerous problems, it also has some strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. RRMC Emergency and Cardiac Care departments are their strengths as they have been improved with new equipment to provide quality care to patients. The hospital should use marketing strategies to advertise their competitive quality care throughout the area and in other towns. Additionally, RRMC’s cardiovascular surgery program was rated number 1 in Alabama by HealthGrades.com website. Also, their orthopedics and stroke programs are well recognized. With modern facility and newer technology, RRMC has the capacity to grow.
The progress of neuroscience has been significant in the past 500 years. and with the advance of technology, there is yet a multitude of chapters left to write in the history books of neuroscience. The book The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons: written by Sam Kean was an engrossing and captivating read. It gives the reader a better appreciation for the growing pains of neuroscience and provides an educational, albeit entertaining overview of the anatomy and physiology of the brain and nervous system. From the early life and discoveries of Santiago Ramón y Cajal and his fascination with Golgi’s method la razione nera, which allowed Cajal to deduct after observing
Wrong kind of dye used to test the location in spinal cord caused the patient’s death in Tufts Medical Center. The neurosurgeon ask for a specific dye to provide it to the patient’s spine, however the pharmacy provided the different one due to the lack of the proper one. After checking the label, the neurosurgeon injected the dye to the patient’s spine. The patient woke up with a terrible pain and seizures and died the next day. The dye’s label warned against using it in a spine injection.
However, at your request, the PARS Board of Directors listened to your offer to settle the breach of Dr. Levy’s Agreement. Given the complexities of such an arrangement, we believe your offer is unreasonable. Pursuing this buyout would be damaging to our practice not only in lost revenue but physician practice building expenditures, labor vital to the growth and development of MMH neurosurgical offerings and recruitment costs. In the end, money is not an adequate remedy for the irreparable harm that PARS would endure. We have accepted the resignation of Dr. Levy and plan to begin recruitment of a new neurosurgeon. PARS would hope that MMH will partner with it in this recruitment effort, rather than necessitating a divisive and costly
Gadsden is located in the northeastern corner of Alabama and is the county seat of Etowah County. It is 60 miles
In May 2005, Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell earned her Medical Doctor Degree and she was hired by the Neurology Associates LLP, located in Longville state in June 2005. She has been offered different jobs before, but Dr. Elizabeth concluded by choosing Neurology Associates LLP because of the interval between her home and family. The employment agreement, signed by Dr.Elizabeth, included detailed clauses of compensation terms, vacation, on all duties and fringe benefit package. NA agreed to pay $1,000 for the course
How Ben Carson Changed Neurosurgery Gautham Pillai In Ben Carson’s autobiography, he has gone through many experiences to reach where he is today. He has dealt with racism, failing grades, and embarrassment to become a doctor. As a doctor, he also faced many challenges such as a few deaths duringwhen he was doing neurosurgery. When he was eight years old, Ben Carson lost his father because he did bad things(Carson,14).
CNS has been very successful putting their product in the markets. They benefit from all
The external stakeholders are the community, patients, MedKey System members, CMS, HMOs (ie. Blue Cross Blue Shield and Tri-Care), and any other private insurances (Richards & Slovensky, 2004). Medicare reimbursement in Alabama was the lowest rate in the nation. This was a constant struggle for the hospital administrators to try to operate on such low reimbursements for their services, which is a threat. Eighty percent of patients were Medicare or Blue Cross in which there was difficulty-negotiating prices with Blue Cross due to monopoly. Buyers have high bargaining power as reimbursements rates are low from Medicare and Blue Cross held monopoly in the services area so negotiating prices was difficult. Suppliers have lower bargaining power due to low Medicare reimbursements and difficulty negotiating prices with Blue
Lynn Haven Engine 2 was dispatched to the listed location for a medical call in reference to a head injury. E-2 arrived on scene to find and elderly male who was sitting on the couch holding a paper towel to the top of his head. Patient presented with warm, dry skin, was A/O x4 and was ambulatory. Patient explained that he was looking for something in his closet when a metal safe box, approximately 2" x 8" X 6" , dropped down on his head. The patient said he felt a little dizzy after it hit him and almost passed out but had no loss of consciousness. FD obtained patients vital signs as follows; BP was 190/100, HR was 100Bpm and SpO2 was 97% ORA, FD also did a focused trauma assessment on the patients head and found a slight skin tear with
The characteristics of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Jesse displays are inattention, memory and speech. Jesse is also demonstrating his desire for isolation from his friends. He prefers to be alone most of the time, which is out of character for Jesse.
SBS, which is also known as inflicted traumatic brain injury, is a serious brain injury resulting from forcefully shaking an infant or a toddler. The injury is caused by holding the infant at the thorax and violently shaking the child, with or without contact between the child’s head and a hard surface. Such contact can result in severe head trauma, which includes subdural hematoma, diffuse axonal injury and retinal haemorrhage (Barr et al., 2009).
During open heart surgery, a machine assumes control of lung function and pumping the blood around the patient’s body. Intraoperative brain mapping, sometimes called awake brain surgery, is a procedure used to remove brain tumours without damaging the brain, and as the name suggests, the patient is sedated but very much awake. Procedures such as these are nothing short of remarkable, and as science and medicine continue to develop, conditions which would have meant certain death can now be treated with relative ease. Although we can save lives this sometimes comes at a cost, and in the case of diabetes and some cancers, limb amputation is a necessary compromise; but that could be about to change.
Secondary brain injury can occur within hours to days after the primary insult (Lump, 2014). The clinical indicators of secondary brain injury consist of increased intracranial pressure (ICP), hypotension, hypercapnia and hypoxia (Lump, 2014). Subsequently, it can potentially have vast impacts on the patient’s mortality and recovery rate (Salottolo et al., 2014). Performing neurological assessments such as GCS, pupillary and vital sign observation on TBI patients hold great importance as it detects early symptoms of secondary brain injury and provides information on the impairment of consciousness (Salottolo et al., 2014). Therefore, in order to provide high-quality holistic nursing interventions for patients in critical episodes, it is imperative to gain understanding of the use of intensive assessments.
Dear Johnny: I think that you should do whatever you did when you got your first brain tumor. Then later you should also maintain a certain type diet that do not consist of too much sugar, sodium and fried food. You should also do some exercising but only do that if your body can handle it. And as for you academics I think that you should take care of your brain tumor first.