
Nettesheim And Blain Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Dear Carly Nettesheim and Mallory Blain, Thanks very much for your timely feedback and advice. We will spend more time with her and work on her social and communication skills. Please connect me and my wife to the student’s services at Westmount, we would like to talk to them first then talk to Anh before connecting Anh to student services. Regarding your questions, Anh has been shy in the past. We were aware of her shyness but were not successful in addressing it. However, at home and/or around her close friends, Anh is quite vocal, talks loudly and a lot, and not shy at all. Sometimes I had to stop her as she talked "too much". So I agree with you that Anh needs to overcome her shyness and develop her verbal communication and social skills,

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