
Neoliberal Policy

Decent Essays

For generations, activists and legislators have strived and struggled to approach the subject of the unequal resource distribution across the nation. Typical discourses have concentrated on the dilemma between espousals of feigned concerns for insecure and impoverished people, while simultaneously projecting particular anxieties with supporting their dependency on the state. For the past three decades, US policy has positioned itself in conjunction with neoliberal philosophy, composed with the intention to discourage political aid. Not necessarily to foster an environment of starvation, but rather to encourage private individual living without state intervention. However, the consequence of neoliberal policy often results in marginalized identities, …show more content…

Typical discourses have concentrated on the dilemma between espousals of feigned concerns for insecure and impoverished people, while simultaneously projecting particular anxieties with supporting their dependency on the state. For the past three decades, US policy has positioned itself in conjunction with neoliberal philosophy, composed with the intention to discourage political aid. Not necessarily to foster an environment of starvation, but rather to encourage private individual living without state intervention. However, the consequence of neoliberal policy often results in marginalized identities, specifically people of color and women, left to navigate without a safeguard. Unfortunately, neoliberal interests control the contemporary conversations regarding the food crisis, ignoring the systemic issues of food insecurity and the specific identities it …show more content…

However, there is a presently marked difference between the right to be free from hunger and the right to food. Where the right to be free from hunger recognizes an arbitrary quantity of food required for survival, the right to food must conceptualize the humanity in its populace. There has to be a careful consideration for the people who the law affects, "people in statistical or abstract and idealized economic systems need only ingest sufficient calories, proteins, vitamins, etc. They just need a certain 'intake' of food. But for real human beings the quality of the access to food is what always counts" (Künnermann and Epa-Ratjen 3). Food quality and cultural suitability for its consumer is significant, in addition to a right to food, people also have a right to dignity. To deny one's dignity is to deny their citizenship to the state, as well as their humanity. Consciously thinking about hungry peoples' personhood is multifaceted, it is not just about considering their calorie intake, but recognizing both the nutritional and cultural aspects of eating. Moreover, a person's right to food should not negate any of their other rights, including the right to religious freedom. Hungry individuals should not have to compromise their convictions to eat. While

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