
Nelly: A Narrative Fiction

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Let’s set the scene it is late August, August 17th to be exact. That is when it happened but what really started was one year to that day. There some questions running around your mind like what is he talking about? August 16th the sun is still to rise in the east, which is not the important part. It is out in the grass where the story starts. She went into labor getting ready to be a mommy. It was magical, of course not a thing was seen because, the sun was not up yet. But as the first golden rays came across the sky lying in the grass was a mini Nelly now both of us wanted her but now there was not a shot in the pasture to get her, not with that thing hanging around. As the sun walked its path through the sky the warm inviting heat of the day was returning. It was dark, cold and, wet, and the bright thing above me grew larger and larger. The warmth was refreshing and gave me the strength to stand. Shaky at first and hardly able to stand, found my mother and drank the warm substance so delicious, then a short nap. “This is interesting, let’s check it out Bruno. What do we have here Nelly?” “Go away or your head will …show more content…

We will get out of here when master takes us back till then; this is a great place to

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