
Neighborhood Social Victimization Essay

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Analysis of Cumulative Effects of Neighborhood Social Adversity and Personal Crime Victimization on Adolescent Psychotic Experiences
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University of Louisiana at Monroe

Analysis of Cumulative Effects of Neighborhood Social Adversity and Personal Victimization on Adolescent Psychotic Experiences Newbury, et al. conducted a study in 2017 in the United Kingdom called Cumulative Effects of Neighborhood Social Adversity and Personal Victimization on Adolescent Psychotic Experiences. The purpose of this study was to examine how urbanicity, unfavorable neighborhood situations, and violent victimization impacts the occurrence of adolescent psychotic experiences (Newbury, et al., 2017). The author notes how “up to one …show more content…

Four questions were asked to address this hypothesis: First “are psychotic experiences more common among adolescents raised in urban vs rural settings? And does this association hold after controlling for neighborhood-level deprivation (ie poverty), as well as individual-and family-level factors that might otherwise explain the relationship?” (Newbury et al., 2017). Second, is the correlation between growing up in an urban setting and adolescent psychotic experiences explained by those urban settings having low levels of social cohesion and higher levels of neighborhood crime (Newbury et al., 2017)? Third, have the adolescent individuals who face psychotic experiences also faced personal crime victimization (2017)? Lastly, is there an effect on unfavorable neighborhood conditions (like social cohesion and crime) and personal crime victimization (Newbury et al.,2017)? The study also tested the sensitivity level of psychotic symptoms for the participants (Newbury et al., 2017). Methods
The present study was comprised of 2063 British adolescents who were members of the Environmental Risk Longitudinal Twin Study, which examines the cohort of those individuals born between the years 1994-1995 (Newbury et al., 2017). The baseline assessment occurred when participants were five-years-old; and subsequent assessments were held when participants were ages seven, ten, and twelve,

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