Emergency management law derives from federal, state and local laws which legal responsibility may result in liability (Nicholson, p 393). When addressing the state law, the tort concept arise known as negligence (Nicholson, p 393). Also, Immunities protect emergency managers under certain conditions (Nicholson, p 393). The National Fire Protection Association and post-9/11 federal law generated new benchmarks for emergency managers to follow that resulted in federal funds for the state and local emergency management performance (Nicholson, p 393).
Private and non-profit sectors plays a major role in a disaster operations providing unlimited services that boost the effectiveness of government disaster response (both short and long term),
Organizations over the past few decades have come to realize two things, there are a limited number of people in the government that are able to respond to natural disasters or large scale disaster effectively and that the government only has so many available resources to offer during a time of crisis. Another fact is, that private sector companies and non-profit entities, such as the Red Cross, have the ability to be more prepared due to their vast network of stores and distribution centers and their leisure, they indeed do have a unique responsibility
After examining a wide variety of input from FEMA and the private sector, there continues to be very little research on the effectiveness and uses of web based NBEOCs. When a disaster strikes the whole community, it pitches in to help. However, according to FEMA (Homeland Security, 2013), there had not been enough coordination between various levels of government and the private sector until Sandy. Currently, “only a portion of all U.S. cities engage the private sector for emergency management issues, and those efforts range widely in format, focus, level of effort, and sustainability” (Homeland Security, 2013). By conducting research on the NBEOC, it will secure greater understanding of the capabilities and opportunities created by coordination between the federal government’s EOC and private
The NRF describes the roles and responsibilities not only of public-sector agencies but also of the private sector, NGOs, and individuals and households. The extent to which a community can endure and survive a major disaster or terrorist attack reflects how its emergency plan was constructed; using the four classical phases as a guide. The National Response Framework describes not only how the Federal government organizes itself to respond to natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and other catastrophic events but also the importance of the whole community in assisting with response efforts. The intended audience for this document is individuals, families, communities, the private and nonprofit sectors,
In chapter 3, titled “Congress and the Agencies”, we learn of a few of the many laws, processes and agencies that have been created to better prepare the United States for a national emergency. Since the origins of the United States, the President has always been the lead on emergencies that required attention by the federal government, but the legislative and judicial branches of the government have become more and more involved in making sure that it is done constitutionally. One of the main reasons for this is because of the statutes that have been created because of the response to emergencies. These statutes have been separated into three separate categories.
According to the association of state and territorial health officials, “A number of specific negligence theories may apply in the emergency response context:
Many concerns and objections have been filed in opposition to the Department of Health (which includes Social Services, Fire and Emergency Management, and Human Services) administrator by departments, citizens, and so on. The City Manager has contracted me regarding: unethical practices, unprofessional leadership, poor fire and emergency response time, unethical practices, insufficient customer and patient care, and much more concerning various governmental departments and external stakeholders. In regards to the latest questions of the City Manager a thorough search into the accusations will be put into play. Supplementary to the issues already being presented, the school board have made concerns to the capability to conduct daily transactions.The school board has a collaborative association with an assortment of government departments and they have levied department directors with non fulfillment to work together on a number of efforts that will be revealed later within this report. This report will provide an underlying support for the City Manager to discourse and perform leadership techniques that outline the actions that should be carried out in order to prevail over the previously mentioned complaints.
against the government included starting a petition, planning a strike, issuing newspapers about what they were doing, addressing the citizens about how fascist the government is during town hall, planning a court case and planning a revolution. Every time we were in the process of an action, our party was always countered by the government when they used their emergency law. This emergency law gives the government the power to create ANY law since they did not specifically outline what an emergency situation was. From the moment it was not clearly defined and created, this law presented itself to be a fascist move. For example, my party started a petition so when the government found out with their “emergency” law they created a law stating
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has developed and implemented many practices for managing both natural and man-made disasters. Emergency managers play an important role in ensuring these practices are fulfilled entirely and all disasters are handled efficiently and effectively. Through the development of plans emergency managers work to reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters. Emergency management does not avert or eliminate the threats but instead focuses on decreasing the impact of disasters. Issuance of the Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5) has forced Homeland Security to manage domestic incidents better and they have done so through the National Incident Management System (NIMS). The NIMS system offers a reliable nationwide model to assist “Federal, State, tribal and local governments, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector to work together to prevent,
Government at all levels plays an important role during disaster management. Actions and roles of each government agencies are spelled out in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF). But before we go into details on the roles of governments, let me first of all explain what constitute emergency and emergency management, just to give clearer understanding some of these terms. Then I will examine the roles of governments at all level including first responder actions, mutual support, lead and support roles.
The issues discussed in the paper only reach a few areas of concern that could be researched in a reasonable time period. Although, this basic research showed significant issues are present in government involvement in Emergency Services, there needs to be more research to sow that best practices are needed and can be used to prevent further untoward employee actions and liability toward the municipalities. This sends a message that continued research of this topics and specifics within the issues be approached in a professional manner to help government achieve more professional, ethical and lawful approaches to employees and their specific
The purpose of this paper is to describe the legal considerations that an emergency manager must consider when conducting searches, seizures, and evacuation operations. The paper will address the following:
Basic disaster assistance falls into three categories as specified by the Federal government: assistance for individuals and businesses, public assistance, and hazard mitigation assistance. The scope of this paper will cover the analysis of the elements of eligibility for disaster assistance and will follow up with a conclusion about the Public Assistance Process, utilizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA) Guide as the major resource for information.
In “Wither the Emergency Manager,” Niel R. Britton comments on Drabek's “Human Responses to disaster: An Inventory of Sociological Findings.” Britton describes six positive and negative issues in emergency management as it is today. In this paper, we will discuss the implications on emergency management as a field and on the individual manager.
Effective disaster management is highly important when it comes to assisting in rescue and relief to affected. This does not only include post disaster rescue efforts but these disaster management activities should be proactive. They start right from taking preventive measures before the disaster actually occurs and goes on till the effected people are resettled back in their lives. This disaster management pertaining to human life is not only associated with physical well being but also focuses on psychological, emotional, and spiritual rehabilitation.
Ethics of Emergencies “The Ethics of Emergencies” explains Ayn Rand’s radical and unique view of altruism. She believes that there are 4 consequences of altruism, all of which are negative. These, simply put, are lack of self-esteem, lack of respect for others, a pessimistic view of life, and an indifference to ethics. She says that altruism hinders acts of true benevolence, and instead people act out of an obligation to others that has been internalized over time. Rand then argues that one should only volunteer to help strangers in emergency situations, and even then, only when the risk to one’s own life is less than the risk to the stranger’s. Rand advocates action in such emergencies because of the high value of human life. But Rand