
Negative Effects Of Video Games On People

Decent Essays

Research Project B: Outcome
What is the effect of video games on people? School SACE Code: 342
SACE Code: 689108W
Word count: 1841

How do video games affect people?
Video games have been with us for years, ever since the 1970’s with the simple arcade sticks and legendary games such as Pacman, Super Mario and more. Video games have evolved and progressed enormously as the years have gone by. They have developed into a billion dollar industry worldwide and one of the leading sources of entertainment in the world. This report will be identifying the different effect video games have on people, using a variety of different sources including surveys and an interview with a video game developer working for Tru Blu Entertainment.
This report begins by providing a general introduction and a background of the topic that is being researched. This is followed by answering a number of questions that have guided the research. Then a short conclusion at the end.
Over the years video games have been advancing in many ways. Now days many of the video games out include an immersive gameplay experience, high definition graphics and the ability to play online with other people around the world. Over the years the video game industry has grown rapidly. Every year game developers releasing new games and consoles competing with other game developers to reach the top of the market.
They are quickly becoming the most popular choice of media among children

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