
Negative Body Image

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The ability to communicate messages almost instantaneously across the world, for instance, is an incredible gift that has allowed mankind to meet people they never would have in a different time. Technology has allowed us to exchange ideas, experience different cultures, and learn about life in different places and ages. Like anything, technology has both positive and negative effects based on how it is utilized.
The argument that people are spending too much time watching television was presented by senior Ashley Beffa. She explained that spending more time indoors watching television means that people are exercising less and that their sleeping habits are being disrupted among other things. This is hurting kids because rather than spending …show more content…

Senior Erin Jones and senior Carina Davis both argued against the harmful influence of media on body image. Models, actors, advertisements, and media have portrayed a specific body type as the normal when the reality is far different. In doing so, the media has shamed anyone who does not fit the ‘perfect body’ mold, and it has caused many people to have unrealistic standards for their bodies which leads to a negative self-image. Developing a negative body image can cause problems for the rest of a person’s life. In many cases, people have developed eating disorders and attempted suicide and self-harm because of a negative body image. Sometimes, in an attempt to make others feel better about their bodies, many people will point out flaws in his or herself to show how nobody has a perfect body; however, it is damaging because it promotes a negative self-image. Instead of shaming our bodies, we should be accepting them. Instead of having twigs as clothing models, we should have normal people represented in their place.
All of these issues deal with the way that technology and media has changed the way people live in today’s world compared to the past. Media body shaming has changed the way that people view themselves and their bodies, television has changed the way that people spend their free time, and social media has changed the way that people communicate with each other. In many ways, each of these issues can be seen in the other issues. Body shaming occurs in both television and social media, and it is seen through actors and models in

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