
Nectarine Lab Report

Decent Essays

Our experiment was aimed at investigating what cleansing method resulted in the least number of bacteria remaining on a nectarine. The experiment was conducted using three nectarines purchased at a local grocery store; the first was not washed, the second washed with only water and the third washed with fruit wash. After a proper incubation period the unwashed nectarine resulted in the most bacterial growth, with 375 visible colonies. The nectarine washed with only water had less bacterial growth, while the nectarine washed with fruit wash showed the least bacterial growth with 27 visible colonies. Finally, we identified and named three bacteria that were found on the nectarines used for our experiment: E. aerogenes, S. aureus and …show more content…

aerogenes) is a microorganism commonly found in soil and is an example of an opportunistic pathogen; which means they are disease causing organisms. (E. aerogenes) is also associated with exposure in nosocomial settings like hospitals (Rogers, 2017). Neisseria sicca (N. sicca) mainly colonize in human oral cavities and in the nasopharynx, most are nonpathogenic and are found in the normal microflora of the human body (Neisseria, 2015). Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a type of bacteria that roughly 30 percent of people carry in their nose (Healthcare-associated Infections, 2011).
What is very surprising, is how regulated the Department of Health is when it comes to food handling and distribution. There are warnings that state everyone should wash their fruits prior to eating so that most of the toxins and pesticides are washed off and there is less chance of bacteria being on the fruits surface. What possible health risks could arise from a person taking a bite out of an unwashed fruit? One microorganism that is found in most public places is S. aureus. Many adults and children carry this microorganism in their nose and on the skin's surface. But S. aureus likes to invade follicles and wounds where it can then cause infection, shock and even death. (Healthcare-associated Infections,

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