
Necessary To Contract Law: What Is A Skateboard?

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‘The natural and reasonable desire that statutes should be easily understood is doomed to disappointment. Thwarted, it shifts to an equally natural and reasonable desire for efficient tools of interpretation. If statutes must be obscure, let us at least have simple devices to elucidate them. A golden rule would be best, to unlock all mysteries. Alas there is no golden rule. Nor is there a mischief rule, or a literal rule, or any other cure-all rule of thumb. Instead there are a thousand and one interpretative criteria. Fortunately, not all of these present themselves in any one case; but those that do yield factors that the interpreter must figuratively weigh and balance.’ – Lord Bingham The case The material facts of the case are clear ; whether in an advisory capacity, or as counsel for the prosecution or defense, or to simply provide advice to Jimmy or his neighbour I have conducted a careful evaluation of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) (LG Act) focusing primarily on the LG Act . I have quoted other statutes and common law cases where necessary to support my assertions. The LG Act applied to the circumstances would indicate that offence of s 633 A would be clearly wrong. What is a skateboard? …show more content…

The preceding ‘and’ indicates that there is a collective group of devices with wheels used for personal transport and this definition is further supported by the definition contained within the National Transport Commission … Regulation which states a skateboard is a ‘wheeled recreational device … built to transport a person, propelled by human power or gravity, and ordinarily used for recreation or play’ grouped collectively with other wheeled but non-motorised devices with the adjunctive ‘or’

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