
Neat People Vs Sloppy People Analysis

Decent Essays

One may say that a neat person cleans every second of the day while a sloppy person doesn't clean up after themselves but in the article we will differentiate between the two. In the essay Neat People vs. Sloppy People, by Dave Barry he has his own opinion on the two. In the essay he says “ Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people”, I agree with that because I am a very neat person but I am not lazy. I like my room to be cleaned a certain way and the bathroom, cleaned the certain way because if it isn't cleaned the way I clean it will make me feel like it wasn't cleaned to its full potential. If I had a long day from school and work I might brush off cleaning for that day but that doesn't mean I am lazier than anyone else. If I don't have time to clean my room and the bathroom I might get upset because it throws off my whole schedule and cleaning routine but I am …show more content…

Their sloppiness is merely the unfortunate consequence of their extreme moral rectitude. Sloppy people carry in their mind’s eye a heavenly vision, a precise plan, that is so stupendous, so perfect, it can’t be achieved in this world or the next.” This opinion I might has to disagree because their is different definitions for the word sloppy. The definition I know for sloppy is a person who is careless and unsystematic; excessively casual. When I hear those words you think of someone who is messy and is careless or even carefree about the world around them and how they present themselves. I understand what the author thinks about sloppy people but the opinion that he is saying I don't think that is the correct term to use for his opinion I believe the term that he sound of used was open minded thinkers because they have a lot of thoughts and creativity but that the same time their ideas and their thoughts are so scattered around in others point of views it might look sloppy, unorganized or even

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