
Neanderthals On Trial: DNA Analysis

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In the film, Neanderthals on Trial, numerous questions are presented regarding where Neanderthals fit into our evolutionary history. Were they ancestors to modern humans or were they an evolutionary dead end? Are they physically similar enough to be considered humans? Did their level of intelligence match ours or was it inferior? The film provides information on the evidence found to support their assumptions about who the Neanderthals were. There is debate between those who believe Neanderthals were a different species and those who believe they are a subspecies of humans. Despite some anthropologists believing the Neanderthals are not a species of humans, there is evidence supporting that they are, through DNA analysis, as well as analysis of cranial features, stone tools, and behavior, as depicted in the film. …show more content…

Others see these differences as variation within the human species. As pointed out in both the book, The Past in Perspective, and the film, differences included projecting brow ridges and face, and an occipital bun, a projection in the back of the skull. It is concluded that the occipital bun evolved to accommodate brain growth. However, skulls are far too complex to give simple answers as to why certain features, such as the occipital bun, evolve the way they do. The more we understand how skulls grow and function, the better we can understand the complexity of the brain and be able to answer these

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