
Nazis Use Of Propaganda During The Holocaust

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Some ways the holocaust was implemented was the use of propaganda, the relocation of people to Ghettos, the creation of laws to strip people of their rights, and the use of technology to increase the efficiency of the machinery of genocide. I think one of the most effect sytstem was using propaganda because a picture is worth a thousand words. Seeing how the Nazis used propaganda and how that system was very effective and terrible.

The use of propaganda at that time wasnt just putting posters around town. The Nazis produced textbooks, flims, comics and even specific radio stations. The use of all of the propaganda may have seemed minor but because the Nazis went overboard today we look at propaganda as a horrible thing. The use of propaganda is just reminding the people in the holocuast that their lives werent worth anything and gave them broken faith, which was the point. In the Nazis favor the use of propaganda was just another way of domination. A brilliant man named Joseph Goebbels influeneced the poropaganda game greatly and made Hitler look like a hero and used the fear of the people as stability. Joseph Goebbels was the mastermind behind all of the porpagnada. Because Joseph was the head of the Nazis propaganda his offical title was Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment. The holocaust …show more content…

One example I found of propagnda effecting the youth was a poster of Hitler holding a german child and the poster is conveying that Hitler is a god-like figure and that children should worship him. With all of the propagnada splattered everywhere how else would the children learn that Hitler's way is the only way and no one else matters. The disturbing truth of teaching the future genertion to not be diverse and to look down on anyone who is different was a perfect target in using

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