
Navigate Kappa Virtually Case Study

Decent Essays

Let’s Navigate Kappa Virtually (10 Minutes):
We are going to spend a few minutes going through the online resources that you have available to you.
We want to make sure you know how to easily access each resource available online. If you forget how to access something, it’s OK! Ask someone on Advisory Board or contact the Chapter Services Department at Kappa Headquarters.
The facilitator will navigate to the following online resources:
• Fraternity website and member login:
1. Go through each of the access points on the website, including member education.
2. Navigate to the member login so participants know how to log in.
3. Navigate to the following resources once logged in.
 Leadership Guides
 Yellow Pages
 Fraternity documents …show more content…

Effective Mentoring Skills and Strategies
Mentors (5 Minutes):
In our first session, we talked about your role as adviser being one of a role model and mentor. The term “mentor” is more than 3,000 years old and has its origin in Greek mythology. When Odysseus went off to fight the Trojans, he left his trusted friend, Mentor, in charge of his household and his son’s education. Ever since, Mentor’s name has been attached to the education of someone by a more experienced person.
Often times, you don’t choose your mentee, your mentee chooses you. In your case, you asked or were asked to serve as a mentor. It is important to remember, you are a mentor for the officer you advise. You are not her peer, nor her parent. You will provide her a different perspective she may not have seen and you will help her find the right path to pursue. While you may provide all of the resources, your advisee may still forge ahead differently, but you are giving her things to think about and raising red flags that will help her plan more thoroughly in the future.
As a mentor, you also remind any advisee of the parameters set forth by the Fraternity Bylaws, Standing Rules and Policies. Collegians can forget these important documents when they are excited about a new idea. And, while it would be far easier to make a decision or execute for the advisee, this will not help her grow as a leader or …show more content…

How many of you consider a past adviser a mentor?
What made her a good mentor/adviser?
What can you take from this list to guide you as a mentor/adviser?
Case Studies (20 Minutes):
We are now going to review case studies that have been provided to you.
Instruct participants to divide into five equal groups. Facilitators will need to count the participants in the room and instruct them as to how many people should be in each group. Each group should be located in a different part of the room and will receive one case study.
Each group should designate one volunteer to read the case study and one to record the discussion.
Each group will have five minutes to complete its discussion.
As a group, identify the challenges the chapter officer is facing. As her adviser, how will you guide her in making the correct decision?
Once the five minutes have passed, instruct the five groups to come back together.
Ask one person from each group to read the group’s case study and present its solutions
During the report back, use the questions below to continue the

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