
Navajo Immersion Study

Decent Essays

The Navajo immersion programs in the American Southwest are very interesting because they have been very successful in teaching Navajo without sacrificing the student’s academic performance or their proficiency in English. McCarty (2013) noted that The Tséhootsooí Diné Bí’ólta’ is one such immersion school where Navajo immersion students consistently outperform students from English-only classrooms on standardardized tests. Another immersion program, Puente de Hózhó, has also consistently outperformed their peers in more traditional monolingual English programs. These immersion programs have had many challenges receiving funding, maintaining their right to teach Native languages in public schools, and scoring well enough to not invite outside criticism.
The educators working at these schools are motivated to keep their academic performance high in order to …show more content…

However, within the United States, I think it would also be beneficial to promote immersion schools modeled after the Navajo immersion programs. When speaking about Puente de Hózhó, the school’s co-founder Michael Fillerup claimed that, “the vision was to create a school where each child’s language and culture was regarded not as a problem to be solved but as an indispensable resource” (2013, p. 132). It would be interesting to see if academic performance is increased because there is some flexibility for students who aren’t native speakers of English, or if English speaking students also benefit from learning an additional language. I suspect there are a lot of benefits that can be gained for students of all language backgrounds, and the United States should be more open to instructing students based on the needs of local

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