
Nature Vs Nurture Debate

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Nature is what some think of as genetic inheritance and other factors of biology from the birth parents. Nurture is generally taken as the influence of people that are around others after being born the product of experience and learning of an individual. The nature vs. nurture debate is argued that both influences make up the human behavior. Those who adapt an extreme hereditary position are known as nativists. The basic assumption of nature vs. nurture is that the characteristics of a human is the product of evolution and that the little differences between people are due to each person’s unique genetic code. In general, the earlier an ability appears, the more likely it is to be under the influence of others mainly the people that others …show more content…

Their basic assumption is that at birth the brain is at a tabula rasa (a blank slate) and that this is gradually “filled” as a result of experience from those who gave birth to them. From this point of view the characteristics and behavioral differences that grow throughout infancy and childhood are the result of learning. It is how you are brought up through your residence (nurture) that dominate the significant aspects of child's development and the concept of maturity applies only to the development of the child itself. For example, when an infant forms an attachment to a certain being it is responding to the love and attention it has been given by that person, language comes from speaking towards that child and and others and the development of attitude and moral respects depends on the degree of stimulation in the environment and on the civilization within which the child is has been social or in contact with throughout their …show more content…

This was not due to believed logical and empirical weaknesses in his argument. It had more to do with the social and political suggestions that are often drawn from research and other claims to demonstrate natural inconsistency in social groups. Galton in 1883 suggested that human society could be improved by “better breeding”. In the 1920’s the American Eugenics Society (Either wise known as AES) battled for the sterilization of men and women in psychiatric hospitals (Better known as crazy houses or mental institutions). An example of nature would be Dicc Hiccocc from the book “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote. Dick grew up in a good family, with parents who loved him dearly and wanted him to go far in life. From what Capote says he was talented in sports. There didn’t seem to be anything wrong with him throughout his childhood, but he grows up to be a murderer. After Dick was told he wouldn’t be able to get into college something….evil clicced in his mind something that would change his life forever. When Dicc decided to speak with agent Nye, Nye said, “I guess Dicc resented it, not getting to go to college” (pg. 166). Clearly Dicc wanted to go to college pretty badly, it’s all he hoped and dreamed of that and when he didn’t get the chance to attend he would never be the same. This caused a incline in progression for Dicc as he was constantly in debt because he had a huge gambling problem. This is a

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