
Native Americans In Code Talkers By Joseph Bruchac

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In the 18oo's Native Americans and the United States government didn't get along so well. Native Americans were forced out of their land and forced to move somewhere else because the Americans wanted their land. Native Americans have suffered greatly. After World War II they didnt suffer as much as they did. The novel "Code Talkers" written by Joseph Bruchac, shows what the Navajo Indians went thru, before the war, during, and after. When the main character Ned Begay was sent to Mission school his teachers and instructurs tried to erase all Navajo traditions they had. In the book it says "Navajo is no good, of no use at all!' shouted Principal O'Sullivan at us everyday.' Only English will help you get ahead in this world!" They tried to get them to forget their sacrade language.They …show more content…

When they spoke english they would rub their mouths with soap. In the Novel it says "The same punishment wqas given to the other boys and girls who spoke Navjo. Whenever they did so, their mouths would be washed out." For others who never let go and kept speaking Navajo, they were beaten with sticks and for those who wouldnt stop speaking Navajo after the stick beating were put to the cold stone basement and chained to a dark corner. Like Ned's friend John Roanhorse.The book also says"TRADITION IS THE ENEMY OF PROGRESS" something the teachers had written on the chalkboard at Mission School. Soon a marine came to the school to recruit students. However they wanted Navajos, Navajos that spoke English and Navajo. They were shocked because after all the time they tried to erase all Navajo traditions, customs and they wanted to get them to forget their sacrad language, it came in handy. "Navajos' I finially managed to say to my

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