
Native American Oral Tradition

Decent Essays

Atleo, M. R. & James, A. (2000). "Oral Tradition - A Literacy for Lifelong Learning: Native American Approaches to Justice and Wellness Education." Adult Education Research Conference.
This article describes the significant role Native American oral tradition plays in promoting transformative learning, especially within the format of justice.
Stories of beings such as Raven, Coyote, the "Trickster" have educated indigenous people about "principles of storywork, respect, responsibility, reciprocity, reverence, wholism, interrelatedness, and synergy" which all aid in the passing on of life lessons. Oral tradition stands as a “tool kit of literacies” in relation to …show more content…

Schools that have adopted this practice have demonstrated marked decrease in fighting, suspensions, and expulsions among students. Furthermore Native American justice traditions emphasize that offenders make amends and restitution to mend broken relationships. Students who participate in this model are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions through "public apologies or community service, or a modified form of a traditional punishment, such as in-school suspension instead of removal". Because of these programs based on Native American justice traditions (Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth) one Oakland middle school had an 87% decrease in suspensions and no expulsions within a …show more content…

University of New Mexico, UNM School of Law. (2016, March 31). SILC combines Native American traditions and restorative justice to help clients [Press release]. UNM School of Law. Retrieved from
This article discusses how community organizations can utilize Native American traditions of justice to help Natives within state, federal, and tribal courts and hearings.
Native American peacemaking is adjusted within the environment of the UNM Law School’s Southwest Indian Law Clinic (SILC) and is referred to as "Circles of Peace" which "emphasizes respect, listening, and collective decision-making". Adopting indigenous goals of spirituality, collaboration, healing, and restoration allows disputes to be more easily solved within this model. These disputes exist in realms of domestic violence, child custody, probate issues, trespassing and other such conflicts.
Overall this article proves how indigenous justice beliefs and practices improve assistance within legal clinical settings for Native

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