
Native American Colonialization

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Our population tends to forget where and how this nation was developed. Long before we came to know of an expanding and advanced American civilization, the indigenous people of this land lived their lives in peace and harmony, unable to foresee the anticipated changes brought forth by the settlers in Europe. It is difficult to completely understand the gravity of how far their misfortunes spread, one can only hope to scratch the surface. In the earlier colonial years, life for native people of North America was changed and disrupted by contact with Europeans. The Native Americans flourished in their diverse cultures and language, similar to Europe. Long before the arrival of the white people to the continent, the native societies maintained a very traditional way of life centered around their spiritual beliefs and unique self-sufficient skills to help their tribes thrive; They treated their sacred lands with respect. On the other hand, European beliefs emphasized the idea that humans had complete domination over the land. With hopes of discovering a New World, settlers disregarded the fact that an Old World existed and was already in place. However, that did not stop different powers from competing for the title of the most preeminent country of Europe. When the colonizers arrived in early America, their cultures merged and resulted in positive outcomes, however, there was a crucial share of negatives. There were exchanges of ideas, crops, and products, as well as diseases and unfair treatment towards one another. Upon observation of the Indians’ ways of life, the English saw the Indians’ form of freedom as quite different to their notion of what freedom was supposed to be. The English learned about survival in the “New World” from the Native Americans. Indians forms of labor centered around the women working in fields, which the English perceived as a violation of women’s freedom. Their idea of a working woman was someone who took charge of the home duties, while the men focused on field work. Thus, this created a lack of understanding and incredible tension between the settlers and the Natives. There was an inquisition in the New World, established in 1570 up until the 1800s. Settlers and missionaries had

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