
Essay on National Occupational Standards

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National occupational standards (NOS) assert good practice for support staff, providing a concrete framework detailing how the roles and responsibilities of support staff in schools can be undertaken in a competent manner. Furthermore, NOS describe the knowledge and understanding that is required in order to be competent in a support role. In addition, the NOS are widely used in relation to training and professional development, described by the TDA as ‘supporting the learning process in schools.’ (NAPTA: 2009)
NOS provide a valuable resource to schools that use them to assist in the creation of job descriptions and roles and responsibilities, as well as underpinning training, progression and supporting development needs of staff. …show more content…

tak[ing] account of the individual’s experience, training and qualifications [should be created].’ (DCSF: 2007) In addition, reference is also made by the DCSF (2007) specifying that if staff wish to take on increased roles and responsibilities then this should be done with the necessary training and appropriate pay and grading.
Further NOS that relate to my role include STL7 and STL8. Both those standards cover the use of ICT within schools. STL7 ensures that appropriate knowledge is held in order to ensure safe and effective set up and use of ICT resources, in addition to supporting pupils to use equipment. Whilst STL8 is about being involved in the teachers plans for using the ICT equipment, supporting and promoting the pupils learning, and evaluating the ICT lesson in relation to the pupils learning.
My role enables me to demonstrate both these STLs on a regular basis, occasions occur in specific ICT lessons alongside HLTA’s who deliver these, the use of the interactive whiteboard daily, the use of ICT in different curriculum areas for example topic work, and ICT clubs.
Both STL7 and STL8 are NOS that are supported extensively by the school I am employed. This is as the skills it develops are seen as an essential requirement for all support staff. Opportunities are regular given for staff to

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