
National Longitudinal Transition

Decent Essays

education, employment, and, where appropriate, independent living skills (U.S. Department of Education, 2017)
A team approach to planning transition services that includes the youth, family, and interagency personnel makes it easier for the IEP team to demonstrate expertise in planning experiences that lead to college and career readiness for all youth. (Neubert D and Leconte.P, 2013) Decisions on specific service, placement, or course of study to the IEP Team relies heavily on the preparation of parents and youth to advocate for their needs and specific postsecondary goals and transition services when meeting with the IEP Team. (U. S Department of Education, 20017)
Researchers examining the National Longitudinal Transition 2 Study 2 data …show more content…

The NLTS2 conceptual framework suggests that a youth's non-school experiences, such as extracurricular activities and friendships; historical information, such as age when disability was first identified; household characteristics, such as socioeconomic status; and a family's level and type of involvement in school-related areas are crucial to student outcomes. Parents/guardians are the most knowledgeable about these aspects of students' lives. They also are important sources of information on outcomes across domains follow-up with student several years out of high school demonstrated that families continue to make decisions in the development of post-school goals and to access community agencies and resources that support youth they leave school (Newman, Wagner., Cameto,.,& Knokey. 2009)
While the research emphasizes the importance of parental roles during secondary and transition it also points to the gradual shift of those roles from the parent as an advocate to parent as a coach or support role for their young person during the transition. (Hirano, K. & Rowe, D,2016). The roles as decision-makers, collaborators; and instructors; begin to shift to the young person as the transition to postsecondary education begins.
Youth and their families benefit from engaging in transition assessments as early as the middle school in part due …show more content…

The authors suggested that the ILP and the IEP planning processes should be more closely articulated through a collaborative exchange of information and coordination of goals. They further suggested that students with disabilities be exposed to a full array of career pathways, and for students to assume leadership roles within their own planning process – with active family involvement and support throughout the process.
Young, Morgan, Callow-Heusser, and Lindstrom (2016) studied the effect of providing only written materials vs. providing written materials plus 60 minutes of small group training on the willingness to contact community agencies for transition services. Sixty-four percent (64%) of the families that received training subsequently contacted a community agency for services vs. 0% of the families that only received written materials. The authors concluded that brief, targeted training activities can have a significant impact on family behavior, in alignment with previous research (Boone, 1992; Rowe & Test,

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