In any culture there are items that need constant address in terms of how they affect the people in that culture. Friedrich Nietzsche has tactics in comparison known as Apollonian concepts vs. Dionysian aspects. There are pieces that need each other, and other items that show striking differences that destroy another. Looking at culture, one of the most vast and complex cultures is in America, with the mix of people and ideas from other countries; there is no real ethnicity as well. To view these in a setting that has many of these differences, there is American sports of baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and other lesser known sports. Many American love these sports and uses them as a method to come together and hang out with friends, …show more content…
This argument begins with the fact that humans, especially Americans, don’t like being told that they are required or denied to accomplish a task do what they wish to do. By having a national draft citizens will likely not want to join the draft because it’s like high school, you understand why you need to go, but that doesn’t mean you want to. This, like many reasons why the draft shouldn’t come back, will overall effect the morale and effectiveness of the army. Overall if the army can’t perform you need to change something. To continue further into this debate you need to take into consideration that the non-optional draft will bring about issues of deserters, people abandoning their posts, and soldiers going on the run if they truly do not want to be there. To live in a country is one thing, but if you have to give your life to live there when at eighteen, which is the sign up age for a regular draft, you you have to sign your life away that you were just given can be pressuring and incredibly fearful. Some citizens would probably go the distance to where they would medically or mentally damage themselves so that they wouldn’t be cleared to enter the army. Altogether a mandatory draft would cause groups of citizens to rebel against the government and be anything other than a
One interesting view by Douglas Hartmann in his journal article entitled “Rethinking The Relationships Between Sports And Race In American Culture: Golden Ghettos And Contested Terrain” said that racial issues in sport is; borrowing Stuart Hall (1981) words- “a contested racial terrain” (qtd. in Hartmann 241). The “contested racial terrain” is defined as “a social site where racial images, ideologies, and inequalities are constructed, transformed, and constantly struggled over” (Hartmann 230). In other words, sports have become a medium where the definition and limitation of racism created. This also means that the definition of racial issues will constantly change over time. Hartmann view is interesting seeing that he believes that the context of racism in sports are actually broader than we actually think. He did not agree with the simple view of because racial discrimination happens in our society, thus racial discrimination also happens in sports (Hartmann 242). He further delves into two interesting problems in stereotyping and biasing.
As stated above, mandatory draft assures national security. This is shown throughout history. The Vietnam War was one prime example. A draft was enabled sending many young men to
The United States should reinstitute the military draft because there are three major problems found already by not reinstituting it: Increased health issues, increased broken family units and decreased national security. The advantages to reinstituting the military draft are: decreased health issues, decreased broken family units and increased national security.
This is why reinstating the draft may possibly be a good thing, because war is heavy burden. With less individuals in an army, more has to be carried by each person. This can cause issues, which may affect the outcome of the war. Responsibility can be divided up among a larger group and the load for each individual is not so restricting. It is also important to remember the cause of the war. It is also vital in determining what is necessary to win the war. This has an effect on the amount of drafts that are issued. Protecting the country and the rights that we all enjoy is something everyone should all be concerned about. It is the responsibility of the nation to protect itself, with whatever means
Right now America is changing in many different ways. Many people in the country have strong feelings towards the military, and the possibility of being drafted. If everyone was drafted into the military for two years after he or she graduates, it would have a huge impact on the people of this country. The draft would help control the growing population, that is causing major problems in the country; while the the men and women are away in the military; there is two years that they will not be
The Military Draft has been a major part in United States history. The draft has been used in four different conflicts in the United States of America. It was used in Both world wars, the Civil war, and the Cold war. It might have been effective during these times, but it also causes great corruption and sacrifice. It caused families to lose their sons and friends. Many people lied about their age to join the war, and they were too young and didn’t understand the consequences of war. War is never a good thing to be in, in any circumstance. It this paper I will give you reasons why we don’t need a United States draft. As Americans we have to be thankful that we have a strong and productive Military, so we can have our freedom and safety in times of need.
Since the Civil War the United States has been using the military draft to defend the country. The draft is the reason why the U.S. is the powerhouse it is today. The military draft has been successful for all the wars we fought, so why stop it now? The Unites States gives its citizens freedom that most countries don’t allow. To ensure the citizens’ natural rights the United States citizens should show loyalty and be willing to fight when called for duty. An all-volunteer army is filled with citizens from low income households. The minorities in the country fill these positions. The all-volunteer army is an unfair method of distributing the responsibly and risking the United States defense system.
The United States should not bring back mandatory military service, also known as “the draft”. I personally am not supportive of the draft due to many issues including health and mental concerns brought about by the war. These concerns include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, and Substance Abuse, just to name a few. I also feel that the education of the soldiers would be limited because after age 18, most people go to college. Age 18 is also the age males must enlist for the draft. If I were forced into the Army due to a draft, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to live life to the fullest. For instance, if a soldier was severely injured, the injury would affect the way that person would of live the rest of their life. The injury could even potentially cut the person’s life short. The mental health, physical health, education, and life in general should be taken into consideration before the United States sends young men and women out to war. These diseases are very harmful and we should think about others not just ourselves.
When looking at the whole picture, and deciding the pro’s and con’s of the military draft I have one final are for you to look at. Currently our armed forces are voluntary and do not accurately represent the American population. With the ideal draft system in place, it will allow for individuals from all aspects of society to represent and provide their service to our country. Along with proper representation, the military cost would be lowered. Although the armed forces would have to pay individuals more and the additional cost of food, equipment, and other essential needs would go up the, the cost of recruiting, advertising and additional benefits to lure persons into the recruiting
This pamphlet has been created to help you understand why the draft should be brought back in today's society.
When draftees are tested only eighty percent score average or above average while 99 percent of volunteers scored average or above on the standardized military test (Jehn, 2). Recruits score higher on enlistment tests when an all-volunteer force is used. Also, not all people have the personality it takes to serve in the military. Some people are meant to do other jobs like and teaching and farming. The US will also have a shortage of expertise if a draft is put into place. When an all-volunteer military is in place, the military is able to obtain workers that specialize in specific areas such as medicine and military strategists. With a drafted force, soldiers come to the base, the soldiers are trained, the soldiers fight, and then they are honorably discharged. While an all-volunteer force is in place, soldiers must stay for the required time they need to serve due to requirements of that branch of the military. While soldiers are serving this period of time, they are able to specialize in a field. The US should have an all-volunteer military because people that are volunteering have a better knowledge than a draftee that has never considered the military. Previous studies show that volunteer soldiers out perform drafted
Throughout human history, war has permeated the lives of billions of people. From early conflicts such as conquests to control vast swaths of land by Alexander the Great and Cyrus the Great to modern, global wars such as the World Wars, the concept of war has been at the forefront of humanity’s mind for centuries. However, in recent years, opposition to war and lack of participation in the military has become a common theme in many countries, including the United States. To help alleviate the troubles caused by lack of participation, the United States instituted a law allowing for the conscription of its citizens. Conscription, which can also be referred to as a draft, is defined as the compulsory drafting of citizens into military service (What). The Draft has been utilized throughout US History in a couple of prominent wars; however, opposition has manifested against the Vietnam War and the draft, rightfully stemming from ethical opposition to the war and hatred for what the war and the draft stood for.
The idea of a military draft, also called conscription, has been around in one form or another since ancient times. In its relatively short history, the United States has implemented a number of different conscription systems to fill its military ranks in
Conscription, or more boldly the draft, has not been in place for some thirty years. While some people cringe at the thought of reinstating the draft, others have different views. This short paper will speak of those different views and the reasons why conscription of military service may not be such a bad idea after all.
In Jeffrey Schranks’ short story, “Sport and the American Dream”, he is trying to show us that the sport America watches and plays, portrays America’s character as a nation. Since America goes from baseball to football we it shows us that we are becoming more violent. his comparisons of sports and war is says best how America changes as a country over the years. Back when baseball was Americas’ pastime to being a totally football country. When we were a baseball country, Americans were happier, not many cared about wars or violence just the enjoyment they got from watching the games with friends or family at the ballpark. It didn’t matter that the sport wasn’t moving at a fast pace or so competitive. Football is the