
National Anthems Should Be Banned

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Everybody loves watching football right. The sound of the pads hitting, the crowd cheering, but this isn’t about the football game, it is about the song before the game that is the hot topic right now. During a 49ers football game, Colin Kaepernick sat down during the National Anthem and that got everybody stirred up. People fired against him on Social Media telling him to leave the country and how he hate the country, but that's not the reason why Colin sat out. He sat out because of a shooting of a black person that should have never been shot. After Colin sat out of the National Anthem, other National Football League (NFL) teams started doing it. Players would wait in the locker room or in the tunnel until the song was over. People should not have stand for the National Anthem during sporting events. …show more content…

According to “”, “But the question is: Are players-or anyone else not standing for the National Anthem breaking the law? No”. If this isn’t a law, then why are people getting upset about Colin Kaepernick sitting down for the National Anthem. The First Amendment has The Freedom of Petition. On the Newseum Institute, they say “The right to to petition allows citizens to focus government attention on unresolved ills”. This is exactly what NFL teams are doing, they are making the government aware of what happened with the police and wanting to tell them that this can’t happen

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