
Narrative Therapy Model

Decent Essays

I am responding to the article found in the Career Development Quarterly, “Using Narrative Career Counseling with the Underprepared College Student”. It was authored by Amber N. Hughes, Melinda M. Gibbons, and Blair Mynatt and published in 2013.
The authors are encouraging the reader to consider the methodology of narrative therapy, specifically the Life Design model, as an effective and valid approach, particularly with college students that require remedial courses or are in other high risk categories for not completing their college education. Graduation rates are lower amongst students that require remedial classes because they have come to college not fully prepared for the academic rigor and lacking interpersonal or life skills that …show more content…

The initiative required to reach out for the help offered is more easily summoned when the mindset of the student has shifted. Getting this help helps the students likelihood of graduation and meeting their goals increase significantly.
Finally, the authors speak about the usefulness of narrative therapy in this population and beyond. They explain that if the counselor had only addressed the student’s career choice, they would not have addressed the actual issue. It was not related to the choice of field, but rather a lack of motivation related to a narrative the student internalized. Careers are less the result of a profile, and more a part of life in context.
I found most interesting the efficacy of this model with underprepared students. I likely would have gone to a very behavioral approach, providing structure and accountability, however I do see the short sightedness of that. To explore the life roles and allow the client to tell, and then reframe their life story from a different perspective before the concrete steps are defined, appears to be a much more comprehensive approach and includes the entire person in context of their entire life, not just their academic

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