Moments in days like today I had come to cherish with snow piled high to the window, in soft swirling drifts to the roof of my oaken weathered shed. Franklin stove glowing orange hot coals. Rudy, the best Yellow Lab in the world, dream twitching on his dog pillow. I knew when I started the chop saw the motor would cause his eyelids to feign alertness. Rudy was hanging in there despite his twelve years, could still jump into the back of the truck, more than I could say for myself. The shed, besides woodworking tools, was filled with my memorabilia. Everything from my Founder’s athletic teams to all that screams Red Sox to a shelf dedicated in honor of my Dad. I’d had a sign made for Dad’s section that read, “Dedicated to Bill Reynolds: Husband, Father, and Great Garage Man.” A bunch of his old tools and fishing gear adorned the shelf as well as a couple of pictures, one from his college days and another with the fifty-two pound bass he had caught on a trip to Ohio. Good guy. Good Dad. I noticed, through the window, that it had begun snowing again, wind was picking up. I …show more content…
Maple and Elm trees stretched embracingly to its fourth floor attic, enticing any adventurer to swing down or scrabble up. Rudy growled in a dog dream and brought me back. What good memories that structure held, if not uniquely bizarre. I laughed to myself as I lifted my old weight belt that was overhanging the picture of the Victorian. It was filled with student inscriptions carefully burned into the leather. I had a new belt now because this one was completely filled with charred insignias of students who had graduated from Valley Oak. I held the belt with pride and took in the names, each a vivid memory. I caught sight of a large lettered massive scrawled signature….JAMES……….. He had been Valley Oaks first
I fluttered my eyes open. Today would be a new day full of opportunities and chances to make it a great,what could go wrong.Then I remembered. I remembered what would happen that day. I had a hard time getting to sleep that night. Tossing, and turning with thoughts whipping and circling through my head.I drew a stiff bre My eyes filled with tears, and my body jerked with anger. Why? Why today? I thought. I threw my head into my pillows and stayed there for what I thought was forever.
My dog, Rudy, has always been with me up until not very long ago. And I had to be part of a really hard decision for him. This decision may compromise everything I ever wanted for us together.
[Being Unprepared] Because you have been sick, out of town, busy at work, or working on other homework, you didn 't have as much time to study for an important test as you needed. Everyone going to school has been in this situation. Think of a specific test that you took that you felt unprepared for and narrate the events. Tell your readers about the preparation that you were able to do, the reasons that you didn 't get to prepare as well as you wanted, taking the test, and any significant events that happened after you took the test. Your paper should help readers understand what it felt like to be unprepared.
UP TO THAT DAY, I'd had a Brady Bunch, cookie-cutter, beautiful life. I now know what it's like to have a 110-story building that's been hit by a 767 come down on my head. For better or for worse, it's part of my life. There are things I never thought I'd know that I now know.
A situation that best describes a time when I initiated a new venture was the decision to purchase a restaurant business. Prior to this opportunity, I had recently graduated with my first university degree and was already presented with an offer to work full-time at GE Energy where I completed my internship. As I was considering the offer, the opportunity to purchase a restaurant presented itself and aligned with my strong desire to become a successful entrepreneur.
One would think that purchasing your first home would be a very fascinating experience; after all it is one of the most major purchases of your entire life. In America, home ownership ties in with the American Dream and the spirit of working hard to one day earn through hard work a home with a white picket fence. My husband and I felt that it was time for us to reward ourselves for all the hard work we have been putting in over the years by purchasing our first home, which was well overdue. I quickly learned the process of purchasing your first home can be very frustrating and stressful. However, if you survive the home buying process the reward is priceless once you move
The burden of motherhood can prove to be far too tough for some women in today’s society. One habitually is informed about a woman who either abandoned her child for adoption to a firehouse or even worse, which could be better, left unmentioned. Some mothers can fill the role of motherhood and beyond. The female who filled this niche in my lifetime was Zulma Enid Saldaña. Not only did she go above and beyond with her role as my mother, but also surpassed expectations as a father in my life as well.
My Grandmother passed away when I was Fourteen years old a freshman in high school. I have never been more devastated in my entire life. My grandmother and I were very close we spent every day of summer together when I was little up till I was old enough to stay at home by myself. I remember that every Friday we would go to the bank so grandma could get a check cashed and we would use that money for lunch. My grandmother would always let me chose were we were going to eat and me being a child it was usually McDonalds just to play in the little playset. On Thursdays my grandmother and I would go to visit the sick from church and would make fruit baskets for them. Going to the nursing home was my favorite thing to do because you could see the
I hoisted myself up the first limb and slithered through the winding sprigs. My moves were almost like clockwork, delicate and in rhythm with my breaths and my appendages. The uneven and disheveled wood was a great grip, but tore into my subtle fingers. My shoe’s soles couldn’t take the uneven surfaces and relied on my arms to do all the work. The offshoots got thinner as I proceeded up the tree, forcing me to be more skeptical of my movements. I began to worry about the drop below, but my worry faded away as I felt the warm touch of the sun wash over me. One more branch remained. I grasped that last branch and let out a deep breath. I relaxed a bit and examined my hands. They were raw. The adrenaline faded and I was left with skinned, throbbing hands and 50 feet to the ground. Somewhere down the hill, my dainty sister was struggling her way up the hill. I returned to my big sister mode and started my descent down the tree. This part was even harder than climbing up the tree with depending on my legs to support me. As the twigs got wider, the gaps between them increased too. Sometimes I had to extend my whole body length just to reach the next twig. This seemed weird because I didn’t remember straining myself
The air in Florida was humid, but nice. It had rained just minutes ago, giving the feeling of cool freshness. None of the rides had been shut down, it hadn’t rained hard enough for that yet. The singles rider’s line was moving quicker than the group line. Thankfully, my dad, Kim and I didn’t mind riding with strangers. We just wanted the thrill of Disney World's Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster again.
think we already found him." He looked past Xion and Roxas. "Saïx you can come out now! Your game of hide 'n' seek is over."
One day, as I galloped across the green grass, I gazed up at the tree. The tree that my older sister always climbed, my daring curiosity never as great as hers. I was a young kid at the time, maybe eight or nine years old. Imagine my point of view: a towering tree with scratchy limbs and insects attached to its leaves sat staring back at me. I was determined to live the seemingly lavish life that my sister had while perched in the tree, retrieving a stool from the worn down shed that sat adjacent to my Nana and Papa’s house.
“Help, someone help me! You can’t take me I have kids to take care of!” I peek out of my kitchen window into the barren town and see another jewish man being abducted from his home by a group of nazis. The past few days have been filled with screams and terror ever since our town has been invaded. It will only be a few more days, possibly even hours, before the inevitable occurs and our whole family is ripped away from each other. As not only fear, but anger seeps into my veins, I walk into the small, dark living room and gather on the grey worn out carpet by the fireplace. Next to me are my two brothers and my parents. My parents are whispering about plans to continue making money since my father had to close down his delicatessen because of the fact that jews are no longer allowed to sell. My brothers Isaac, Mendel and I keep asking questions about what is going to happen with us and our home. My father continues to tell us not to worry but I can see the fear in his eyes every time we hear a noise outside.
Some might think that graduating from high school should be fun but for others graduating was scary. How did you feel on your graduation night? Emotional? Happy? Ready to move on? I know I was, I never felt so many emotions running through me as what I did that night. When I get nervous of new things my legs begin to shake and I can hardly breathe. Having all of these mixed emotions I felt like I was going to pass out. Knowing that I was moving on in life going to college soon, knowing that I more than likely would never see my friends again in person, not waking up every morning to go to marching band to get my podium put together for marching band practice. Yes this was me, I was an emotional young woman that night. As I walked
Most children look up to their guardians/parent with respect and trust. A parent should protect and nurture their child so they thrive in the “real world”. As a parent, you should not spoon feed your child forever and you shouldn't ignore them, but you should find the happy medium so that he/she can fight through some adversity. As a teenager, many people grow apart from their parents because they think they know everything. This personal narrative is about a time I thought I was too good for my parents.