
Narrative Essay On Mount Ebott

Decent Essays

“Mt. Ebott”
The light reflected off of the green and yellow of the leaves and the trees, making the trees seem much larger than they normally would. Rustling of the leaves was the only sound that could be heard over Frisk’s breathing. The rays of the sun warmed their sweater. All that could be heard is the soft crunching of the leaves underfoot. The birds rustled impatiently as if waiting for Frisk to leave. Yet they still continued through the bulk of the woods, breathing quickly. Frisk looked at their hands shadows of leaves and flowers covering the warm light. The knuckles white still from the firm grip they held, small indents in the palm from their nails. Frisk took a deep breath, putting a small hand on their heart.
Looking back at the summit of the mountain in front of them, closing their eyes once more as they took another step forward. The closer they were to the mountain the more their breathing calmed. The mountain was littered with trees, but it seemed the more Frisk walked, the more ‘dead’ the trees seemed. The trees at the bottom of the summit …show more content…

The pace set was much quicker, as if they walked with a mission. Every couple steps that Frisk took they snapped a fallen branch. The resounding crunch never failed to make them flinch and look around wildly. They stopped analyzing the forest for movement and only continuing when there was none. Rays of the sun which once felt warm were now suffocating under the sweater consequently drowning them with their sweat. Frisk continued on despite the many distractions, though their face was pulled tight with worry. They continued as if getting to the top would stop their fear, the quick pace continued to a jog. The trees moving past them in a slow blur. Suddenly they tripped on a thick root, falling with a loud thud. Frisk quickly got up, ignoring the pain in their knees as trickles of blood ran slowly down their legs, giving frisk’s jeans a pink-red

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