
Narrative Essay On Middle School Life

Decent Essays

Nine years ago, my family and I moved to Chesapeake, Virginia with the hopes of finding a house to call home. After settling down, we were fortunate enough to attend a service at GBUMC, which got us hooked. From the first time we walked into that building, we knew that GBUMC was the church for us. We were greeted by the friendliest people and felt comfortable getting to know the areas around the church. Flash forward to today, and one can still feel the sense of family when walking the halls of GBUMC. Because of this feeling, I grew up hoping to help GBUMC grow as a community. In elementary school, I was thoroughly involved with the choir. Even though I wasn’t the best singer, I gave it my all when it came to practicing and performing in front of the congregation. If I wasn’t singing in the church, I was acolyting the services with my fellow friends. As I began middle school, I was excited to start youth group and feel like “one of the older kids.” In fact, I tried to attend as many youth groups as …show more content…

Being able to help kids as they struggle through middle school and help them define their relationship with God was an experience that I will never forget. Then, when Jeff made the announcement that he was leaving, a couple of other high schoolers and I stepped up to the plate and decided to actually lead the middle school youth group while the church tried to find another youth pastor. The first couple of weeks were rough without someone to direct us, but after a while we got the hang of it and were actually excited to spend our Wednesday nights hanging out with middle schoolers! Finally this year, Amanda Pine gave me the incredible opportunity to lead a 3rd – 5th grade choir while the church looked for a new choir director. Leading a choir of six girls helped me develop the right communication skills for that age group and showed them the many ways they can praise

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