
Narrative Essay On Cross Country

Decent Essays

To run or not to run I decided to run cross country for my first year. All summer was fun and I actually thought I liked it. By the time school started I was starting to not like it. I dreaded practices, but I never told you. The first meet arrived and I can’t even explain to you how nervous I was. Crying was all I wanted to do at that moment. I wanted it to be over. That race hurt so bad and was not enjoyable at all. I came in 19th out of around 100 runners. I am a decent runner. The season kept rolling on meet after meet.
Soon enough our first league meet came and I once again could not sit still and had major anxiety. The coaches put so much pressure on the fact that I could be good. That pressure did not fuel my fire it just sizzled it …show more content…

Once we got there the doctor listened to my lungs. He said I had Pneumonia in my right lung. That diagnoses explained all of the symptoms that I had for that whole week. I got an Inhaler and an Antibiotic. The inhaler was for cross country so I would be able to breathe while I was running. I was having a hard time breathing while I was running and most of the time I wasn’t feeling too hot. Most practices I was not allowed to do because it was cold and rainy outside. I was basically out of shape again. The next meet was one of the hardest. Mostly all hills, this course challenges even a runner with the most endurance. My lungs aren’t as strong as a normal persons at that …show more content…

Regionals came and I made it to states. I ran at states I got 60 out of 200 girls. After states I started thinking about next year. The decision needed to be made so I didn’t stress about it. It was a little bit hard to make the decision because I did like the idea of winning. I liked the fact that I was good at it and that it made me feel fulfilled. I thought about this decision for a long time. I thought about the times I cried out of nervousness. All the times I felt like I could not sit still. Ultimately I made the decision to not run cross country. I was for sure in what I wanted so I told everyone that I was not running cross. I got asked so many times to run but I stood in my decision because the winning feeling was not worth the pain.
This decision was pretty easy for me. I had already made up my mind and had it set. Depending on what the decision is about I can choose pretty easy. If the decision is with like clothes people can persuade me pretty easy. I would say I am probably not the best decision maker. I second guess my choices a lot. I over think everything. I am a terrible shopper for that exact reason. I see something I like. I pick it up and try it on. Most of the time I end up not getting very much because of how I make my

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