
What Is The Great Depression Essay

Decent Essays

Depression sucks. Thinking that you’re useless, unworthy of anything good, it’s painful. In my experiences, it’s usually caused by someone else. I have been bullied since I was 5 years old by my neighbors kids. Once at a party at their house, he for some reason started to beat me hard. I’m not gonna lie I was a year older than him and I could’ve easily beaten him to a pulp but for some reason, I just froze, took all of his beatings. He did this in front of everyone at the party and no one did anything. Only my mom and a friend that was there wanted to punish him because what he did was unforgivable. No punishments were given and that’s how it is every single time he would beat me, mock me, whatever he did to me. The world spoiled was practically created to describe him. He was …show more content…

6th grade became the worst year of my life. My step-dad called me a piece of shit that year. I had maybe 5, 6 friends. 7th grade was a great year for me, which allowed me to become more vulnerable and naive than I already was. Then came 8th grade, which became(very quickly) a year worse than 6th grade. Not only did I have the same amount of friends as 6th grade, my teachers treated me like I was an abomination, a retard. Well, not all the teachers, just the male teachers. All of my female teachers treated me nicer by comparison, although one lost my homework and blamed it on me even though I handed it in on time and where the homework was supposed to go. I still won’t get credit for it. Once, a teacher assumed I made myself sick and leave home early to avoid a test and called me dumb. As the class ended we were supposed to finish writing in class. He took away some of the time I needed to make up that same test to finish it. When I finished it, he yelled at me calling me stupid and let me leave to make up that test. As I was taking it, he tried talking to my science teacher to prevent me from making it

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