
Narragansett Brewing Company Case Summary

Decent Essays

The Narragansett Brewing Company has been a prominent brewery in Rhode Island and New England for quite some time. After a period of declining sales due to new ownership, current CEO Mark Hellendrung decided to resurrect the company and help maintain its reputation in regional market. To become successful, Narragansett had to develop a generic strategy, realize their threats and drivers, and position the company to capitalize on the drivers and minimize the threats. The predominate overall generic strategy adopted by Narragansett is the differentiation strategy. They seek to create a higher value through for their customers through the original recipe and taste and unique packaging. This beer was a regional mainstay and the customers appreciate the nostalgia of it. The costs are low since Narragansett decided not to build a new factory and they went with online and social media marketing instead of print and television ads. The consumers would be willing to pay a higher price for the authenticity of the product, and this strategy ended up working well for Narragansett. In addition, the company decided to focus on a narrow part of the market in regard to scope of competition. Narragansett knew they couldn’t compete with larger brewers such as Anheuser-Bush, Miller, and Coors, so they decided to focus on a …show more content…

Consumers will only be willing to purchase their beer if they see a clear and distinct value gained from doing so. If Narragansett doesn’t maintain the value of their beer trough product features, customer service, and complements then people won’t be willing to but it. In addition, they must remember to keep their costs low. Rising costs lead will lessen the economic value created and reduce the profit margin. The value created will then be negated since the costs will have risen and then they would not be differentiated from their competitors

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