
Napping Papers

Decent Essays

Most animals, 85%, sleep in short periods during the day it will be beneficial for us to do the same. Napping is helpful to humans, but sleeping is essential to us, however even though napping is optional it is still along with sleeping important. Sleeping and Napping are very beneficial to human beings. Eventually, Bad sleep habits and long term sleep loss will add up and will start to negatively affect your health. “If you routinely lose sleep or choose to sleep less than needed, the sleep loss adds up (Source 1, Paragraph 2).” Not getting enough sleep will always add up even if you only miss an hour a day that will still add up to seven hours every week and therefore this can cause substantial sleep debt that can’t be paid back because you can only sleep at a certain time your biological clock allows. With sleep being a prerequisite for human life and needed to live. Thus, you will not be able to pay back the sleep debt causing your wellbeing to be negatively impacted and will ultimately hurt you. Alongside with sleep, taking small naps can help us be more efficient during all the task we do in everyday life. “Mark Rosekind of NASA, who conducted the research, stated that even a 26-minute nap boosted a pilot’s mental performance by 34% (Source 2, Paragraph 14).” When your mental performance increases you …show more content…

“American presidents John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton all took frequent naps to help them deal with the pressures of leading a powerful nation (Source 2, Paragraph 11).” Napping helped many famous people like presidents, artist, and scientist becomes more efficient and be able to make better decisions and to be more creative. Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Leonardo Da Vinci took short naps to be more efficient, maybe if they hadn’t taken naps, we would be sitting in the dark without knowledge of our worlds or glorious

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