
Napoleon Squealer's Animal Farm

Decent Essays

Good evening, brothers, sisters, sheep, cows, goats, cats, dogs, horses, and of course all of the hens. On behalf of the whole management and organisation of this farm, I , Squealer, would like to express my deepest honour of representing our solicitous leader Napoleon, without whom Manor farm, or better known to you as Animal farm, would be in a situation far less desirable than a horse's dung. Recently, it has been brought to my attention that the majority of our fellow farm animals are in great opposition of the relationship between our honourable leader Napoleon and the humans. A great number of you view his humanlike actions as a threat to the seven commandments and as a betrayal and deceit towards all animals and our way of life. It is known to you, my friends, that at this present time, us pigs have begun to walk , talk, eat, and even dress like men in obedience to the rules given to us by our leader. Our lives have been virtually changed to match that of our enemies, and you, my dear friends, continue to live a tortuous life of misery and anguish; however, allow us to be clear. Let us make things clear. We know who our true enemies in this world are. These enemies must be pursued and …show more content…

You can either support Napoleon and allow animal freedom to thrive or you can face a future of torture and suffering. In these serious times, I speak to you, animals of Manor farm, as the representatives of the future animal generations. At this time you are deciding which road will be paved. I would like to remind you once again, my dear friends, that this is the time where we will be able to make four legs truly better than two. This is the time of the valiant Napoleon, a pig who sacrificed his four legs in order to destroy the two-legged society. This is the time when the beasts of England unite under Napoleon’s roof of justice and peace. This is the time that we can support our

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