Throughout the novel “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, Napoleon gained, managed and maintained his power over the animals of the farm. Napoleon gained power over the animals by using force, propaganda, manipulating the animals and sending his opposition into exile. His style of leadership involved using the media to support his decisions, enforcing a variety of new laws and using fear to keep himself in a position of superiority over the other animals. By changing events to his advantage and implementing strategies to signify his importance, Napoleon manages to maintain his power. Napoleon gained power over Animal Farm by manipulating the animals of the farm, using propaganda and forcing his opposition into exile. He used many different …show more content…
Napoleon maintained his power over Animal Farm by turning situations to his advantage and using different strategies to signify his importance. Napoleon was an opportunitist. This means that when he realized he could use a situation, whether good or bad, to hid advantage, he did so. An example is when the windmill topples and he tells the animals that Snowball is the cause and turns the animals against Snowball instead of himself. From
Napoleon uses animalism, propaganda, and fear. One way Napoleon
Napoleon stays in power by changing the rules of the farm repeatedly. Napoleon uses ideology to keep him in charge, but he uses fear a majority of the time as
Napoleon, the revolutionary leader, was a power hungry and abusive pig. When the animals wouldn’t listen he had to have them follow his rules and visions. He brainwashed the animals into believing whatever he said, threatened them and used popular animals to convey his desires. As dictatorship was the most prominent form of governing during the revolution, the leader used techniques to influence the animals’ opinion.
Perhaps the most significant one of all was Napoleon throwing out the second most powerful animal on the farm, simply because he was a threat to his own reign. The animals were so engrossed by Napoleon that they fully supported the termination of Snowball, solely for the reasons given to them via Napoleon. “Napoleon produced his schemes of his own, but said quietly that snowball would come to nothing.” (54). At such an early point after the pigs power was established, Napoleon had already started to create a divide between Snowball and himself. When he told the other animals how horrible for the farm Snowball supposedly is, the farm would start to trust him more and therefore depend on his more.While gaining the animals trust more, he simultaneously gained more power for himself, for with Snowball gone all the power he had would now be his. “He had seemed to oppose the windmill, simply as a maneuver to get rid of Snowball…Now that Snowball was out of the way, the plan could go forward without his interference.”(58). Napoleon is willing to do anything to gain and maintain his own power, regardless of how it is done and who will be effected by it. As shown by this windmill incident, Napoleon will use any instance to further manipulate the other animals, just to gain even one more sliver of much desired
His main way of getting people to listen to him is by using his dogs to force people to do the required task or else they will get their heads bitten off along with the sheep saying ¨four legs good, two legs better¨ (Orwell, pg. 134) to help reinforce the idea that pigs are superior to the other animals. Another way Napoleon uses fear to gain the control over the animals at the farm is he threatens them with starvation. Both of these methods used by Napoleon were also used by Joseph Stalin to gain control over the masses. If society gives in to these methods then they are just giving more power and control to the higher power. Napoleon also threatens the animals with saying jones is going to come back and that is a reference back to when Stalin told his people that if they didn’t do what he wanted the old way of living was going to come back to them. With that much power and having all those people listen your commands can make you feel like you are unstoppable and greedy.
While Napoleon was gaining power over the animals he had to get rid of other politicians and opposing citizens. He did this by raising dogs that would strike fear into citizens and end up chasing Snowball out of the farm making Napoleon have total power. “Four young porkers…uttered shrill squeals of disapproval…. But…the dogs sitting round Napoleon let out deep, menacing growls, and the pigs fell silent and sat down again.”(document B). This made it so the animals were too scared to oppose or overthrow Napoleon. He also made it so no one could challenge him politically. He did this by having his dogs kill masses of people so no one would dare have different opinions and speak out against him. “When they had finished their confession, the dogs promptly tore their throats out, and in a terrible voice, Napoleon demanded whether any other animal had anything to confess”(document B). The mass murder made it so Napoleon had total control of the farm. The violence of Napoleon’s leadership caused the animals to fear to have their own opinions and forced them to conform to Napoleon’s
Napoleon also used many tools of propaganda to gain power. The sheep perhaps were his most important tools of propaganda throughout the novel. They were, for sure, a deciding factor in Napoleon's rise to power. Snowball, the other pig who shared the position of leadership with him did not agree with him on many counts. However, he was a good speaker and could easily gain the animals support
George Orwell in his novel Animal Farm explores the reality through the abuse of power using the character Napoleon. In order to gain absolute power, Napoleon eliminates any opposition, uses propaganda, and chances the commandments.
Firstly, Napoleon uses manipulation to generate a cult of personality in the Animal Farm. Napoleon directly shows how he manipulated the animals as he believed “...[weaker] animals on Animal Farm did more work and [would] receive less food than any animals in the country” (92).Napoleon shows how he only cares about himself as he uses the animals. He would make the animals do labour to support himself and to be powerful.The animals would agree to everything that he said because they believed that Napoleon wanted the best for them. Napoleon made the animals believe that they were in better conditions even though “starvation seemed to stare them in the face.” (50). He did a great job to hid the reality from the animals. His thoughts and
After reading the book called Animal farm, it is plain to see that Napoleon is a very sly animal. He is clever —clever enough not to play much a role in the initial rebellion. It is only after the animals have rebelled that he took the leadership role. But did he actually do the right things to win the power?
One way Napoleon took control of Animal Farm was by Ideology. By using Ideology to take control, he used the Seven Commandments. The Seven Commandments were seven rules that the animals had to live by. The Seven Commandments were reduced to two legs good, four legs bad. After seeing Squealer lying in the
Napoleon was an exquisite character in the book: Animal Farm. He overpowered all the animals, and they followed. He was acknowledged as the leader, and the creator as their “Animal Farm”. No humans, no using human-made items, and never lay where a human has laid. Napoleon’s rules were simple. However he grew to the point where he wasn’t even following them, and was changing them as life went on. Animal farm included many instances where Napoleon was commanding as a dictatorship rather than a democracy.
People play an enormous component in our lives and the choices we make. In George Orwell's “ Animal Farm” there are several people that show leadership and guidance. The Leaders of Animal Farm start off with good intentions, but as the story goes on it becomes obvious the leaders have grown power-hungry and have become the 'superior' animals, showing that equality does not exist. This source of power has been used by leaders at the expense of their followers for their own personal gain, like Napoleon, whose first sign of corruption occurred early in the book when he seemed to be the main leader of them all.
There are many ways in which Napoleon obtains and maintains power on Animal Farm. Napoleon obtains power fundamentally by elimination of all opposing him. He obtains and maintains power by turning other animals weaknesses into his opportunities. He also uses his education and knowledge to obtain and maintain power, as well as his ability to defeat the resistant feelings in other animals. To obtain and maintain power Napoleon uses various degrees of manipulation. He also uses persuasion and propaganda, brainwashing techniques and violence to
The antagonist of the book ‘Animal Farm’, Napoleon was highly emphasized for his cruel tactics that he upheld against his fellow animals. He tortured and tormented them giving himself the title of a cruel leader. This sense of tyranny is why he resembles Mr.Jones the previous owner of Manor Farm. Similar to Mr.Jones, Napoleon has created a caste system in which he is the “farmer” and the rest of the animals are his “slaves”, he has shown that he only uses the animals for his own monetary gain, and that he uses fear and propaganda to control the rest of the animals. In this essay I will compare and contrast the two individuals.