
Nanotechnology In Michael Grant's Bug Man

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BZRK, a novel by Michael Grant, is a science fiction story, about the misuse of nanotechnology. In the novel BZRK, nanotechnology is used for negative reasons, by the Armstrong Fancy Gift Corporation. This is an analogy of a world with nanotechnology in a modern day era. The technology developed the ability to make microscopic robots that can enter the human body through natural openings to change structures at a molecular level. They created it for medical purposes, for example, “to send his tiny minions in to kill cancer cells” (Grant, 72). Nanotechnology is being negatively used to take away freedom and chose for human beings. This good technology is used the wrong way to control the human mind and commit murder. Many of people with access …show more content…

The twins, Charles and Benjamin Armstrong stop at nothing to eliminate people who get in their way with the use of nanobots. These microscopic robots enter the human body and are controlled by a person called a twitcher through a computer. They kill the inventor of this nanotechnology, Grey McLure. Grey McLure and his son Stone are in a plane when their pilot loses control and crashes the plane, killing everyone. Bug Man is a twitcher who works for the twins. The Bug Man admits he controlled the pilot to make the plane crash. “I just rewired that pilot’s brain`` (Grant, 31) and this is “Confirmed: Bug Man was the twitcher for the McLure hit” (Grant, 69). Vincent who works for BZRK also uses nanotechnology to manipulate the minds of others. BZRK uses biots. Biots are biological, spider-like, microscopic creatures made of DNA. The person or host can see what the biot sees and make the biot move and perform tasks. Vincent plants a biot in Dr. Anya Violet, an employee of in the secret section of McLure Industries. Vincent’s biots redirect connections in Anya’s brain to“stretch the neuronic fibers from her pleasure centers to her images of him. She may only like him now” (Grant, 118). Anya falls in love with Vincent. He uses Anya to assist planting biots in Noah and Sadie, so they can join BZRK. “Dr. Violet is wired,’ said Vincent into his. ‘She`ll give us what we need. Tonight. It should …show more content…

Burnofsky, a sixty year old man, works for Armstrong Fancy Gifts Corporation as a twitcher. The twitchers manipulate nanobots deep inside the human brain. He tries to explain the reality of what they are doing to Anthony, after the McLure plane crash. Anthony is a teenager, also known as the Bug Man. “Anthony, you’re a mass murderer now, up in the macro, not just shooting spiders down in the meat” (Grant, 30). The Bug Man ignores the comment, but Burnofsky says “you’ll grow up someday and realize what you did” (Grant, 31). Burnofsky knows the price they are paying by killing humans in order to get “one step closer to a world of perfect peace, happiness and universal brotherhood” (Grant, 31). A twitcher One-up, only seventeen years old was given the job to kill Bailey, a UN employee. Burnofsky stated “a seventeen-year old girl should have some deniability for murder” (Grant, 126). Burnofsky notes that “Twenty-seven twitchers to take over the world. Half of them nothing but messed-up children” (Grant, 127). Even Plath wanted to commit murder, but Keats talks her out of it. “Plath was asking Keats if she should kill Benjamin Armstrong” (Grant, 384). Keats responds “We’re not them” (Grant, 385). Teenagers with troubled pasts are playing God by having control over life and death by using the

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