
NIH Osteoporosis And Related Bone Diseases

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The Human Bone
The human body is made up of various bones; in total a person can have up to 206 bones ones the person has reached the adulthood. The skeleton is made up of two different groups which are the axial and appendicular skeleton. Both contain different bones in the body. The axial protects other parts of the body and appendicular skeleton helps the body with motion. Bones can come in different sizes and shapes. Along there are some bones called long bones, some short bones, others are flat bones and last there are what people call the irregular bones. The long bones contain two ends and they are considered longer then wider in cases. The short bones are shaped similar to square shapes but not exactly some bones examples can be the …show more content…

The person has to go through several exams such as urine test, various blood exams, the person’s medical history can also be checked which it is important in order to see previous record of the family. According to the article, (2016). NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center, p4 the study shows that “…current or past health problems and medications that could contribute to low bone mass and increased fracture risk…”. The doctor will try and get numerous information out of the patient that will eventually let the doctor know the problem of the patient. These procedures will determine the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Another way to diagnose osteoporosis is if the doctor asks the patient to do a bone mineral exam. In the article (2016). NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center, p4 “Bone mineral density (BMD) testing can be used to definitively diagnose osteoporosis, detect low bone mass before osteoporosis develops, and help predict your risk of future fractures”. The result will give the doctor a clearer view of the patient and it will help him/her determine if the patient needs any kind of therapy in order to treat it or prevent the disease of osteoporosis. Another procedure according to Ferrari, S., Reginster, J., Brandi, M., Kanis, J., Devogelaer, J., et al. (2016). Unmet Needs and Current and Future approaches for …show more content…

According to Elaine N. Marieb & Katja Hoehn (2016). Human Anatomy & Physiology, vol. 10 p192 “Osteoporosis has traditionally been treated with calcium and vitamin D supplements, weight-bearing exercise, and hormone (estrogen) replacement therapy (HPT)”. These are a few things for treatment or prevention. This can be a treatment and a way to prevent osteoporosis from the beginning. Hormone replacement therapy does not reverse the disease but it does help it decrease slower. For example, if the disease is already developed the supplement can help it be slower rather than faster. When this happens then the bone does no become weak faster. Even though this can be an opinion of treatment the topic is debatable because it can come with a lot of other risk factors such as a stroke, a heart attack, or even breast cancer. Many people would take this treatment but others will

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