
NICE Guidelines

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Chapter 2.0: Identifying and appraising a clinical guideline 2.1 Introduction and development of a clinical guideline NICE (2014) defines its clinical guidelines as recommendations, which are systematically-developed, on how healthcare professionals should care for a condition or conditions of patient. On the best available evidence, these recommendations are based (NICE 2014). Grol (2010) emphasizes the fact that to improve patient care, efforts are being made on evidence-based guidance, which is one way to do this. NICE guidelines are developed with methodological rigour using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE II) instrument (Rapu & Matthews 2014). This instrument was designed as to assess, across the spectrum of health, the quality of practice guidelines (Brouwers et al. 2010). Furthermore, it provides guideline development directions and gives information that should be contained in guidelines (Brouwers et al. 2010). Established above, it provides a structure …show more content…

Secondly, a discussion in this project will focuses on a critical appraisal of the evidence which support the specific recommendation. 2.2 Assessment of a guideline The PICO model (see Table 1) was used to design a research question for assessing the Appraisal of Guidelines, and to develop an effective evidence-based process. Springett & Campbell (2006) have underlined the importance that to formulate a good question the four components are required. These components include an identified of population; an intervention; a comparison point and an outcome. This question format model, helps in optimization of applied research specifics, medical style questions, updated peer review of research, and even allows assessing students to support evidence based practice in defining appropriate questions (Holloway et al. 2004). 2.3 Critique of the process of the guideline development and hierarchy of

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