
NHS Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

Ethnic discrimination has been seen to be most illustrated in the recruitment, training and career development within the workforce of the NHS. In other words, it could be said that ethnic minorities such as the Black Ethnic Minorities (BME) suffer from unequal opportunities. In his survey The ‘‘Snowy White peaks’’ (2013) R.kline had come to the conclusion that from an academic point of view when solely focusing on grades in parallel with professions in the NHS , BME candidates (who undoubtedly met the recruitment criteria ) were not selected for final consideration. Moreover, this marking guide has not yet in any way been modified for the past several years or even been considered as a grave issue by most of the employers in the NHS.
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This academy also highlighted that 94% of the course’s top 315 recruited nurses were white with an either British or Irish background. 2% of the total were white but from other backgrounds, and only 4% of the remaining recruits are from a non-white background. The fundamental issue that one muse keep in mind is that the nurses interested in the course may only attend it once the employer’s approval has been granted. (Calkin, S. 2013).

Looking at a larger form of protection for employees in general , whether being BME nurses or white nurses , The Race Relations (Amendment) Act (2000) forces all NHS public bodies to carefully administer staff by ethnicity through many indicators. This includes all public NHS bodies to continuously publish ther recruitment data in the organisation’s annual report, or on its web site. In other words , this data would allow them to make sure they are in line with policies when carefully recruiting .
NHS employers furthermore are also seen to be bound by The Equality Act 2010 which protected the candidates age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual

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