
NHS Orthodontics

Decent Essays

The NHS has skilful orthodontics that focus on improving patients’ health care by enhancing their looks, teeth positions and the function of their teeth if they have abnormalities. All of this refinement can be done by changing teeth to a better position allowing the patients to bite correctly; therefore patients can eat more comfortably while having an easier time taking care of their gums and teeth.
NHS orthodontics can be accessed by either getting a referral from your dentist if he sees that it is necessary or seeking treatment directly from an orthodontic. Each person must clarify of whether or not their dental clinic has an available orthodontic service in which they can provide.
This service is free to anyone under the age of 18, however some adults have exceptions depending on their case and their request to see an orthodontic will instantly be rejected if their issue Is about cosmetic purposes only. According to the British orthodontic society, there is an index of orthodontics treatment also known as IOTN which is an “objective and reliable way to select those children who will benefit most from treatment and is a fair way to prioritise limited NHS resources”. A simplified summary of the IOTN will be stated below as stated by the British orthodontics society: …show more content…

Grade 2 –
• Slightly protruding and irregular teeth.
• Minor reversals of the normal relationship of upper and lower teeth which do not interfere with normal functions.

Grade 3 –
• Upper front teeth that protrudes less than 4mm more than normal.
• Reversal of the normal relationship of upper teeth, which only interfere normal function to a minor degree (less than 2mm).
• Irregularity of teeth which are less than 4mm out of line.
• Open bites of less that 4mm.
• Deep bites with no functional problems.

Grade 4

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