
NEBOSH Diploma unit D assignment

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Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary............................................................................... 2 2. Introduction ............................................................................................ 3 2.1 Aims and Objectives.................................................................................................. 3 2.2 Methodology.............................................................................................................. 3 2.3 Description of Organisation ....................................................................................... 4 2.4 Legal Environment .................................................................................................... 5 3. Review of …show more content…

• Opportunities for improved morale and engagement through increased levels of consultation, involvement and communication with the workforce • Adding value to the customer by identifying gaps within their emergency planning process and establishing area specific emergency plans. The Grangemouth contract involves carrying out operational, maintenance and project work on a large petrochemical contract. The hazards and risks associated with these activities are therefore diverse, and as the Texas City2 and Buncefield3 explosions showed they can have catastrophic consequences. The controls in place are suitably robust and exacting as you would expect when working on such a site. The most significant hazards associated with Ondeo's activities onsite were deemed to be working in confined spaces when hand excavating on the firemain project and the unloading of 96% sulphuric acid at the water treatment plant (WTP). A number of opportunities for improvement were identified with these activities which included: • The usage of new technologies such as hydro excavation and ground

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